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Farm News First >
Better Farming
August 2016
smaller equipment. But it is the size of equipment, not the
method of tillage, that is reducing compaction.
So what is compaction?
Soil compaction occurs when soil particles are pressed
together reducing pore space. Heavily compacted soils
contain few large pores. This condition leads to reduced
water infiltration and drainage from the compacted layer
because large pores are the most effective in moving water
through the soil when it is saturated. Also, gas exchange in
compacted soils is slower causing an increase in the proba-
bility of aeration-related problems. These include nitrogen
loss (denitrification) and root disease build up. Compacted
roots must also exert greater force to penetrate the com-
pacted layer. Often they cannot so you end up with stubby
The number one cause of compaction is wheel traffic. The
biggest factor is larger tractors and combines.
Many believe that deep ripping alleviates some of the
effects of compaction.
If you are going to deep rip a field what is the best tool?
Well, it depends on a lot of things. What soil type do you
have? How many stones do you have? How many horse-
power is your largest tractor? Can you borrow or rent a
large tractor?
You can find answers to some of these questions at
Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in Woodstock this Septem-
ber. There is a deep ripping demonstration. There will be
10 or 12 companies demonstrating their deep rippers. You
will be able to see firsthand how they work and hear the
benefits and features of these machines.
Consulting agronomist Pat Lynch, CCA (ON), formerly worked with the Ontario
agriculture ministry and with Cargill.
Soil compaction occurs when
soil particles are pressed together
reducing pore space.
PX Series
Feenstra Equipment Ltd
Athens 613-924-2805
Gateview Equipment Ltd
Kingston 613-544-6363
Halnor Farm Equipment
Waterford 519-443-8622
Ken Brownlee & Sons
Earlton 705-563-2212
Kerby Independent Tract
Sterling 613-395-2176
Kucera Farm Supply Ltd
Alvinston 519-898-2961
Beards Farm Supply
Coldwater 705-325-3133
Blue West Equipment
Courtland 519-688-0909
Bromley Farm Supply Ltd
Douglas 613-649-2457
Coleman Equipment Inc
New Dundee 519-696-2213
DeGagne Enterprises Inc
Kenora 807-468-5540
Doug’s Small Engines
Castleton 905-349-3027
A funny thing happens when you
thoughts you had about buying a
And suddenly, the only tractor y
stop by and try one out.