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Farm News First >
Better Farming
August 2016
for April-planted corn in the south-
west part of Ontario to accumulate
that many CHUs . . . no mystery here.
Nitrogen management also has a
huge environmental component. The
nitrogen cycle is driven by moisture
and temperature, both of which
influence mineralization and the level
of plant-available nitrogen. These
factors influence the timing of nitrate
soil sampling and as a result greatly
influence the recommended rates of
applied nitrogen. Yield potential is
also an important factor. Higher yield
potential increases the demand for
nitrogen. Combining weather data
with drone imagery adds in a spatial
component that can help assess areas
of differing crop growth and nitrogen
levels as well as support a variable
rate nitrogen application strategy.
Plant disease development is
another area that is reasonably
predictable with a little more field-
scouting effort. Most of our fungal
diseases (except rust) are endemic in
our soils. All that is needed for a
Combining weather data with drone imagery adds in a spatial component that
can help assess areas of differing crop growth and nitrogen levels.
Congratulations, Dale!
Better Farming
Dale Cowan
has been
awarded the International Certified Crop
The award recognizes a certified crop adviser who delivers exceptional
customer service, is highly innovative, has shown leadership in their
field, and has contributed substantially to the exchange of ideas and the
transfer of agronomic knowledge within the industry.
Better Farming readers benefit from Dale’s regular advice and insight in
his popular YIELD MATTER$ column, and he is expanding his focus in
the magazine to include weather analysis.
Dale is also a senior agronomist and sales manager with AGRIS and
Wanstead. In addition to advising large growers, he mentors 14 CCAs.
Well done and congrats, Dale. We salute you on this honour!