Better pork
August 2016
An electronic eye on farrowing
One large-scale trial shows that the use of a data logger that monitors both sow and staff
performance during litter births added an extra 2.3 weaners per sow per year. And that gain
was in a Danish herd already selling 33 hogs per sow.
iels Veng’s swine husbandry
aid looks like an ordinary
hand-held data logger. But
this inventor’s concept, called LISA2,
not only allows all litter details to be
punched in while attending a farrow-
ing. It also has a wireless link with the
herd computer. Here, the manager
can set a monitoring schedule for
every sow in the farrowing barn, for
instance requiring attendance every
four minutes during the birth process.
Does the resultant in-depth moni-
toring improve herd performance?
The answer is “yes,” according to
results from a three-month test in a
Danish 1,200-sow unit. This herd
already achieves an output of 33
weaners per sow and year. Twenty-
four hour surveillance supported by
the LISA2 resulted in an extra piglet
per litter saved at farrowing. Even
where a stockperson was on duty in
the farrowing barn during the day
shift only, the system helped increase
live piglet numbers by 0.5 per litter.
Moreover, subsequent litter mortality
up to weaning in this trial was re-
duced by three per cent compared to
herd performance before the LISA2
system was introduced. Niels Veng
points out that the 0.5 piglet per litter
increase equates to an extra 1.7 pigs
per sow per year in this herd. When
the recorded three per cent reduc-
tion in deaths from birth to weaning
is also considered, this trial gives an
increased average annual output of
2.33 weaners per sow in an already
very high performance herd.
The LISA2 logging system is set
for launch in the U.K. and France
this summer after extensive testing
in commercial herds in Denmark
and in a Russian herd too. Manager
of the British launch is Mark Cox.
Sales manager Mark Cox pictured here with
the lISA2 data logger. He says the new sys-
tem not only helps to precisely monitor sow
farrowing performance, it also represents a
continual check on the level of stockperson
attendance during birth.