Better Farming OntarioBetter PorkBetter Farming Prairies


Canada Beef
Including recipes, publications, and nutritional information.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Contains information on food inspection, fish inspection, animal/plant health, corporate affairs, acts, regulations, and related sites.
Canadian Organic Growers
National information network for organic farmers, gardeners and consumers
Dietitians of Canada
Dietitians of Canada supports its members to take action to improve health through food and nutrition strategies - shaping policy, providing services, and encouraging research.
Quebec Research and Development Centre
The largest agri-food research centre in Quebec


AgSafe Agriculture Association
The Association's to create a safe and healthy work environment in BC agriculture through outreach and an active program of education, training and consultation in all regions of the province.
Alberta/BC Blonde d'Aquitaine Association
Information Source and Association for the Blond d'Aquitaine breed.
Alpaca Canada
American Animal Hospital Association
An international association of more than 36,000 veterinarians who treat companion animals.
American Association of Equine Practitioners
American Seed Trade Association
Beef Farmers of Ontario
"Meeting information needs from birth to beef"
Berry Growers of Ontario
Loads of information on Strawberries, Raspberries, and Blueberries. When to buy, how to select and the Berry cookbook and recipes.
Canadian Agri-food Marketers Alliance
Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association
Canadian Charolais Association
Canadian Equipment Dealers Association
Canadian Hereford Association
Canadian Produce Marketing Association
Members are responsible for over 90% of the fresh produce sold in Canada.
Canadian Swine Breeders Association
Maintained by the Canadian Swine Breeders Association (CSBA)
Canadian Swine Exporters Association
Canadian Swine Exporters Association is a National Association representing the Canadian swine Industry and our members are responsible for 90% of the export sales internationally from Canada.
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
Animal welfare, pet food certification, career and education in veterinary medicine.
Grain Farmers of Ontario
Harrow Research and Development Centre
Holstein Association USA
Holstein Canada
Holstein Ontario
Junior Farmers Association of Ontario
Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association
Information on membership, plant materials, landscape products, trades, and a horticulture review.
Manitoba Pork
Provincial association of hog producers. For over 30 years we have served hog producers and worked closely with industry partners and governments to build a prosperous pork industry.
National Association of Wheat Growers
National Corn Growers Association
Ontario Beekeepers' Association
The Ontario Beekeepers' Association (OBA) was established in 1881. It is one of the oldest established farm organizations in Ontario and was founded even before the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Ontario Blonde D'Aquitaine Association
Ontario Forage Network
Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Associaton
The OF & VGA is made up of a number of sections (ie. human resources, research, crop protection, property, vegetable, tender fruit, apple) which address issues pertinent to the specific membership and the horticultural membership as a whole.
Ontario Horticultural Association
Ontario Maple Syrup Producers' Association
Ontario's Plowmen's Association
The Ontario Plowmen's Association (OPA), in co-operation with the county or regional plowmen's associations in the province, have sponsored the International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show since 1913.
Ontario Produce Marketing Association
Provide a primary contact for the wholesale and retail produce trade in Ontario to support, encourage and foster cooperation between all segments of the produce industry from producer to consumer.
Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association
Ontario Suffolk Sire Reference Association
Sire Referencing is a viable method of improving the performance level of your flock.
The Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA)
It is a farmer owned and managed grass roots democratically run program that focuses on crop and process improvement for farmers, processors and manufacturers.
Organic Farmers Association
OFA provides advocacy for certified organic farmers in the US, Canada and Mexico, and operates private Production Sector Websites as a marketing and production service for them.
Quebec Simmental Association
Information, news and services.
Renewable Industries Canada
Working with government stakeholders and policymakers to strengthen Canada’s economy and environment.
SeCan Association
Provide improved crop varieties and marketing support to our members, who bring these varieties to Canadian farmers.
The Christmas Tree Growers' Association of Ontario
Veal Farmers of Ontario
Western Fairs Association
Listing of fairs and dates for Canada and the United States.


Beef Farmers of Ontario
"Meeting information needs from birth to beef"
Canada Beef
Including recipes, publications, and nutritional information.
Canadian Hereford Association
Canadian Charolais Association
Further information on the industry and participating organizations will be incorporated into this site on an ongoing basis.
The North American Limousin Foundation
Quebec Simmental Association
Information, news and services.


Canadian Biotechnology Action Network
Offers a range of services including information referrals, a monthly fax newsletter, a regional network of experts, a website and issues management activities.
Department of Bioresource Engineering – McGill University
Of interest to agricultural and biosystems engineers.
Plant Biotechnology Institute of the National Research Council
Located in Saskatoon, the Plant Biotechnology Institute (PBI) is one of five NRC institutes involved in biotechnology. Plant biotechnology is the youngest major branch of biotechnology, and one of the fastest-developing
Quebec Biotechnology Innovation Centre
Offers researcher-entrepreneurs in Quebec and elsewhere, an environment conducive to their research and development activities, while promoting the acquisition and transfer of management skills.


American Society of Agronomy
Canada Grains Council
Contains monthly newsletters, publications, and information on member organizations.
Canadian Grain Commission (CGC)
What they do, and where you can find them.
Canadian Organic Growers
National information network for organic farmers, gardeners and consumers
Canadian Society of Soil Science
A non-governmental, non-profit organization for scientists, engineers, technologists, administrators and students involved in professional soil science.
Cereals Canada
CropLife Canada
Distributes numerous publications from its national office on such topics as food safety, the urban use of pesticides, the history of pesticides, alternative pest management methods and a quarterly newsletter containing current industry events.
Crop Science Society of America
Grain Farmers of Ontario
Hay - AgWest Farm Credit Industry Insights
Hay Market Report
Journal Paper Search System / Japanese Journal of Crop Science
National Corn Growers Association
National Industrial Hemp Council
Prairie Crops and Soils Research Facility
Ontario Bean Growers
The Ontario Bean Growers is a not for profit organization representing the approximately 1000 farmers in Ontario who grow dry beans on an average of 120,000 acres annually.
Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Grower's Marketing Board
An advocate for growers and ensures that all growers are in compliance with the TTPP.
Ontario Forage Network
Ontario Greenhouse Vegetables
A dynamic database-driven site including nutrition, growing methods, recipes, tips & trivia, and frequently asked questions.
Project SOY Plus (Soybean Opportunities for You)
Students from the faculties of engineering, food science, crop science and agricultural economics and business are invited to put forward innovative project proposals.
Soil Science Society of America
Syngenta Canada
Committed to state-of-the-art products, services and innovative technologies that deliver efficient and effective solutions to agricultural production problems, with an optimum benefit/risk ratio.
The Tomato Page
U.S. Grains Council
A nonprofit organization that develops export markets for U.S. corn, grain sorghum, barley and their related products.


Ayrshire Canada
General information on the conference and contact information is included.
California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System
Devoted to dairy industry, research, publications, animal health etc.
Canadian Dairy Commission
Dairy Farmers of Canada
Contains events, recipes, cheese of the month etc.
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia
Contains newsletters, factsheets, research reports, and a staff directory.
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Holstein Association USA
Holstein Ontario
Holstein Canada
Jersey Canada
Wisconsin Dairy


Ecological Agriculture Projects (EAP)
The thousands of documents on the site represent a small subset of EAP's collection of information supporting the transition of Canadian farmers to more sustainable practices.


Checklist for Small Businesses
This site includes information on setting up your business, how to collect goods and services tax, exise taxes and excise duties and payroll deductions.
Export from Canada
Trade related info on exporting, incl. agri-food sector
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food & Rural Affairs
includes field offices, programs, services and resources
Ontario Small Business Enterprise Centre


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development
British Columbia Government Directory
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Contains information on food inspection, fish inspection, animal/plant health, corporate affairs, acts, regulations, and related sites.
Canadian Rural Partnership
Rural Canadians from coast to coast will be given the opportunity to complete the workbook as part of the Government of Canada's Rural Dialogue
Farm Products Council of Canada
A federal body which oversees national supply management agencies. These agencies control the supply of chicken, turkey, eggs, and broiler hatching eggs in Canada.
Federal Budget (Canada)
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Includes list of members, House documents, Hansard and more. In English and French
Manitoba Department of Agriculture
Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (MDARD)
Newfoundland & Labrador Federation of Agriculture (NLFA)
The Federation's purpose is to act as a body through which the concerns of farmers can be aired, the efforts of farmers coordinated, and farmers' common interests promoted.
New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture
Ontario Budget
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
Other Ontario Ministries
Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture
Saskatchewan Agribusiness, Farmers and Ranchers
Includes documents on a variety of topics, including: crops, soils, livestock, management, marketing and statistics. Includes some links to other Internet resources, some Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food publications, such as: Extension agrologist report, Farm and food report, AgBits.
Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership Inc. (STEP)
Site includes member profiles, country-by-country information on Saskatchewan's trade, explanations of members' benefits, an events calendar, subscription for the STEP mailing list and an internal search engine.
United States Department of Agriculture


Institute of Food Science and Technology (UK)
New Bolton Center
Center for Animal Health and Productivity


American Association of Equine Practitioners
North American Equine Ranching Information Council (NAERIC)
Contains the latest news, industry background, regional associations, expert opinions, and related links.
Saskatchewan Horse Federation
Contains information on the federation, industry news, coming events, membership, classified ads, free draws, and related links.
The International Museum of the Horse
This is the ultimate site for horse lovers. Traces everything horsey from the first horse to Attila the Hun to the National Cowboy Hall of fame and assorted rodeo links. Strong content, outstanding photos, history of racing etc.


Used Farm Equipment
Yesterday's Tractors
Tune-Up Specifications


B.C. Turkey Marketing Board
Contains recipes, facts, educational resources, childrens activities, press releases, and an eggspert section.
Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency
This site is devoted to the turkey industry in Canada
Chicken Farmers of Canada
Dairy Farmers Of Ontario
G3 Canada Limited
The marketing agency for Western Canadian wheat and barley growers.
Grape Growers of Ontario
A great site to find out information about the grape and tender fruit industry in Ontario. Includes latest prices, contacts and coming events
Ontario Pork
Ontario Bean Growers
The Ontario Bean Growers is a not for profit organization representing the approximately 1000 farmers in Ontario who grow dry beans on an average of 120,000 acres annually.
Ontario Sheep Farmers



Agricultural Credit Corporation
Agricultural Credit Corporation (ACC) is a non profit, producer managed organization, incorporated in 1992 to provide the best possible financial services and/or information to Ontario farmers.
Animal Care Services - University of Guelph
Informaiton on the people, mission, central animal facility, and the animal care commitee. Also has a calendar of events, free courses offered, and links to related sites.
B.C. Farm Machinery & Agricultural Museum
Two large buildings. Huge collection, including Gas and Steam Tractors, Implements, Reapers, and Threshers. Archival and Reference Library and much more
Canadian Foodgrain Bank
A Christian-based food aid and development organization that collects donations of grain, cash and other agricultural commodities for distribution to the world's hungry.
Canadian Livestock Records Corporation
Contains breed pages links, and contact information.
Farm Radio International
In 1979, George Atkins sent out the Network's first radio scripts to 34 participants in 26 countries. Now, more than 1,500 participating members receive our quarterly package of radio scripts and other development information.
Innovative Farmers of Ontario
Facilitates the exchange of ideas among members amd expedites the transfer of knowledge.
International Plowing Match
News, history of the match, and upcoming sites.
Le Bulletin des Agriculteurs
D'ailleurs, Le Bulletin demeure l'outil de référence pour plusieurs personnes de l'industrie agricole et agroalimentaire.
National Agricultural Library (NAL)
US national agricultural resource. Also provides a gateway to national member organisations.
National Livestock identification and traceability
Provides accurate and up-to-date livestock identity, movement and location information to mitigate the impact of disease outbreaks, food safety issues and natural disasters.
National Science Library
Federal Science Libraries Network Catalogue
Toronto Stock Exchange
Contents of The Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSE") web site are provided for informational and educational purposes only and are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind
University of Guelph - Open Learning and Educational Support
A partnership with the Ontario Agricultural College, government and private industry to develop and deliver professional development courses, conferences, and certificate programs
University of Guelph - Ridgetown Campus


The Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA)
It is a farmer owned and managed grass roots democratically run program that focuses on crop and process improvement for farmers, processors and manufacturers.
Ottawa Organic Farmers' Market
The Ottawa Organic Farmers' Market is open year round Saturdays from 10am to 2pm at Kingsway United Church, 630 Island Park Drive @ the Queensway.


Agricultural Credit Corporation
Agricultural Credit Corporation (ACC) is a non profit, producer managed organization, incorporated in 1992 to provide the best possible financial services and/or information to Ontario farmers.
Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC)
AgNIC is a distributed network established by the National Agricultural Library and libraries and academic departments at several land-grant universities. It is a focal point for access to quality agriculture-related information and subject specialists.
Agri-Food Innovation Council
Federation uniting 9 provincial institutes of agrologists (PAgs) and 9 scientific and agriculture-related organizations. Publisher of Canadian journal of animal science, Canadian journal of plant science, Canadian journal of soil science, Canadian journal of agricultural economics, and Volume 3 of Biology of Canadian weeds; some of these titles have table of contents information on the site, as well as information about them. Site includes the newsletter National report, and links to member organizations.
Canada Grains Council
Contains monthly newsletters, publications, and information on member organizations.
Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance
Contains straight answers to tough questions about hemp and marijuana.
Canadian Phytopathological Society - La Société Canadienne de Phytopathologie
Membership is open to any person interested in the science or practice of plant pathology. Encourages research, education, and the dissemination of knowledge on the nature, cause, and control of plant diseases.
Canadian Pork Council
Contains information about CPC, issues, codes of practice and related links.
Canola Council of Canada
Farm Products Council of Canada
A federal body which oversees national supply management agencies. These agencies control the supply of chicken, turkey, eggs, and broiler hatching eggs in Canada.
Maple Syrup Producers of Quebec
One of the largest Maple Syrup groups in Quebec. Recipes, FAQ's and the History of Maple Syrup in Quebec are some of the informational tidbits available.
National Farmers Union (Canada)
Member families of the Union believe that through an organization that represents all commodities produced in Canada, it is possible to promote the family farm as the most appropriate and efficient means of agricultural production
National Farmers Union (USA)
Details on a organization that represents 220,000 family farmers and ranchers in 33 States. Includes: News and Info, Issues at a Glance and Farmers Union Directory.
National Farm Animal Care Council
National Industrial Hemp Council
National Pork Producers Council
Ontario 4-H Council
Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA)
Ontario Institute of Agrologists
Primary Industries South Australia
Australian Government. Agricultural resources and organisations
Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture (PEIFA)
This site is of value to anyone involved in the agriculture industry, especially those in Atlantic Canada.
S.H.A.R.E. Agriculture Foundation
The mandate of S.H.A.R.E Agriculture Foundation is to enable impoverished communities in developing countries to improve their quality of life and provide a better future for their children through sustainable agriculturally based projects.


A one stop shop for everything to do with Llamas.


Pesticide Action Network North America
A nonprofit citizen-based NGO that advocates adoption of ecologically sound practices in place of pesticide use. PANNA works with over 120 affiliated organizations in Canada, Mexico and the U.S.
Pest Management Centre
Developing Sustainable Management Practices for Agriculture


Chicken Farmers of Canada
Granny's Poultry Food Service
Contains facts about Grannys, products, news, lifestyle tips, recipes & Contests!
International HACCP Alliance
Manitoba Chicken Producers
Site contains recipes, nutritional information, from farm to table facts, and contact information.
Manitoba Egg Farmers
Promoting a thriving and competitive egg industry in Manitoba
The Poultry page
Utilizing Camera Systems to Monitor Animals
The Better Farming team has shared this link to assist Ms. Martin's class with an assignment.


Centres for Agricultural Innovation
FieldWorker Products Ltd
A full range of in-field data collection software linked to the positioning information of GPS.


Canadian Katahdin Sheep Society
Canadian Sheep Federation
Learn more about what the Canadian Sheep Federation and its OVISSEY Centre do for the industry.
Ontario Sheep Farmers
Ontario Suffolk Sire Reference Association
Sire Referencing is a viable method of improving the performance level of your flock.

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