Traceability measures prompt fears of spiraling costs

© AgMedia Inc.

Mandatory, federal requirements for tracking livestock movements are in the works in Canada; in the meantime the federal government has announced funding to help locations that coordinate livestock make tracking system upgrades


Provincial governments accepted responsibility for premises identification when the FPT Ministers made a commitment to a national traceability system back in 2009. In Ontario, the premises registry is operated by industry through OnTrace. Other provinces are pursuing their own strategies with the intent of having registries in place by the end of the year. So "standardized premises identification" is being done.

Access to "cost-effective, readily available software" is a matter of asking for help. There are plenty of solutions available, and many are low-cost and easy to use. If a farmer needs help in figuring out what works best in their operation, again there is help. If it is a matter of money, there are numerous funding programs that government provides to assist. From an outsider's perspective, one starts to ask at some point what is the hold up? What's the alternative to doing something?

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