Test could end fraudulent chicken imports

© AgMedia Inc.


Can you spot the irony? This broiler meat (masked as spent fowl) is coming into Canada from the same country that says Canada is protectionist and doesn't play fair ball with respect to trade.

COOL, eh?

Roy Maxwell

Now I have read everything ,does this guy ( Roy Maxwell ) not know how imports come into this country ! First my friend nothing comes in or out without a broker at the border ,second ,most importers get a product classified by customs ! Once they have those two things done ,and only then do imports start coming in legally !! END OF DISCUSSION ! I HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOU ARRIVED AT THE U.S.A SHIPPING SPENT CHICKEN IN TO CANADA OR ANYWHERE ELSE !! You my friend need to do your home work before making such a ridiculous statement to rally all your CHICKEN PRODUCERS IN CANADA !! The fact of the matter we importers find away to import food products from around the world into Canada ! That is our business Roy to make money ,just like you chicken farmers and there control boards ! The truth is THE CHICKEN FARMERS OF ONTARIO KNEW THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS ,NO ONE HAS BROKEN ANY TRADE RULES !! WE JUST TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE RULES ON SPENT HENS ,THERE ARE NO RULES THAT SAY HOW OLD A SPENT HEN HAS TO BE !! SO WE JUST HAVE OUR SUPPLIER GROW THEM A LITTLE HEAVIER ,WHO CAN TELL HOW MANY EGGS A HEN HAS LAID OR IF IT REALLY LAID ANY EGGS AT ALL !! SORRY ROY ,YOU GOT A FREE LESSON ON WHAT CANADIAN IMPORTERS DO FOR A LIVING !! YOU CAN ONLY IMPORT SOMETHING FROM THE COUNTRY YOUR IMPORTING IN TO CANADA ,ANOTHER COUNTRY CAN NOT IMPORT ANY THING !IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS DO IT ALL MY FRIEND THAT IS OUR BUSINESS !! BILL DENBY / IMPORTER / EXPORTER OF FOOD PRODUCTS

The cruellest-irony in this sordid saga is that nothing is as "spent" as the rationale for having supply management in the first place.

And when it comes to which and/or what constitutes "fraud", the erstwhile folks at CFO never once consider the definitional and far-greater 200% tariff barrier "fraud" supply management imposes on consumers - thereby making supply management and its supporters once again "the big pot calling the small kettle black".

Or, to look at it in another way - when you set out to "defraud" your consumers by imposing 200% tariff barriers, it's only fair game that your suppliers and your competitors use the same sort of deviousness to "defraud" you.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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