Ontario’s agriculture industry weighs sweet study

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HFCS does not stimulate insulin production or hormones that tell the body it has eaten. Also it goes straight to the liver and can not be processed like sugar. I've gotten rid of all HFCS products from our family diet.
A very good lecture on HFCS is found here:

One should only listen to scientific based research conclusions not biased industry comments when considering possible health effects from food. Surely the tobacco and cancer debacle has taught us a lesson?

I've long-been saying that people should heed well-established basic economic principles, not industry comments, when it comes to most agricultural issues, especially when it comes to those things not based on good economics at all, particularly supply management and ethanol. Yet, human nature is based on greed and gluttony (and often addiction) and 'twas always thus - ah, yes, the perils of being a scientist or an economist.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

If there is a problem with fructose, can you imagine when people find out the cure for cancer has been proven but the medical industry hospitals etc woul d lose so much money that it is silenced , deep 6d
Have you ever noticed the young teenage girls struting their fastfood fructose mid rift fat buldge, more people are obease

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