New barn safety regulations not among Ontario ag minister’s 2016 priorities

© AgMedia Inc.


Ten years ago Fruit Wineries had the support of then OMAFRA Minister Leona Dombrowsky for the safe responsible sale of Fruit Wines at Farmers' Markets. It is encouraging to see that Agricultural Minister Jeff Leal is aware of Fruit Wineries continued concern on this matter. Here's hoping that Fruit Wineries will be included along with VQA wineries at Farmers' markets in 2016. Fruit is grown in every corner of Ontario and the potential for economic growth of fruit wineries
producing 100% Ontario Fruit Wines is likewise possible in every corner of Ontario. Economic development is needed in every wine sector is it not?
Bert Andrews
Andrews Scenic Acres
Scotch Block Winery

Soon you will be able to go to your local market , buy some vino , spark up a joint and drive home . So much for public safety !

So how does picking up your vino at your locsl market differ from picking up your vino at your local food supermarket or at the Liquor Store?

Please remember that the NFPA 150 ANIMAL HOUSING standards and best practices guidance is available online for free. ANyone with a barn might want to read them. In the TLAER (Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue) world, we try to promote this to everyone. THANK YOU for the coverage here.

Wineries selling fruit wines, ciders & non-VQA grape wines have to pay big margins to sell through LCBO, to sell to restaurants, by the glass or to the kids having a wedding. None of these products are permitted for sale at farm markets, although all pass the rigorous quality control testing of the LCBO lab. People want to buy these products. Lets have a level playing field for all 100% Ontario wines & ciders. The margin we save will create new jobs.

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