Gay Lea expands into goat milk processing

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i am a naturopath. would like to know what stores carry bottled organic goats milk around Trenton, Brighton, Cobourg ontario area

In Ontario, the Canada Revenue Agency considers a naturopath to be an "Authorized Medical Practitioner", meaning that the money people pay for the practitioner's professional services will be considered a medical expense when filling out their income tax returns.

However, organic foods, supplements and vitamins (except vitamin B-12) are not eligible medical expenses even if/when prescribed by an authorized medical practitioner. Therefore, since organic goats milk isn't eligible or deductible, why would any authorized medical practitioner who ostensibly values his/her professional reputation, prescribe it, or even care about it?

Furthermore, isn't it ethically-impure to recommend something that is considered to have so-little therapeutic value that it isn't even deductible as a medical expense in the first place?

Finally, aren't professionals supposed to be neutral about where people might be able to find something the professional recommends, lest it give people the impression that the professional may have a financial interest in the outcome of his/her professional recommendations?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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