Defiant cattle dealer prodded again

© AgMedia Inc.

The man at the centre of a large meat scandal seven years ago and additional offences in the years since is zapped with a $15,000 fine


Clare's opinion about reporters is the same opinion I now have about him. This guy's no Michael Schmidt, and some serious jail time is definitely needed.

A story such as this echoes far and wide, and seen from a distance taints everyone else in the meat/livestock business, including the majority who are acting responsibly and delivering a safe, quality product. I was sent this story today from a source in the USA.

Due legal process is essential, with appropriate penalties for offenses, and tightening up of monitoring activities to prevent it happening.

T. Sly
Ryerson University

Do not forget to mention that Mr. Clare always paid for the cattle he bought. He is a wealthy man, and his word is good. The government implemented licensing cattle dealers as another cash grab.
The industry was doing fine without them, and their licensing.

Do buy Eggs

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