Canada’s Supreme Court denies wheat board appeal

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It's too bad Ritz didn't feel the same way about the right of non-supply managed farmers to make their own business decisions without having to always compete with the incomes and purchasing power of the 800-pound gorilla of supply management. The second lesson which won't be learned, is that 20 years from now, the National Farmers Union will still be citing their efforts to defend single-desk selling at the CWB, even though the CWB and single-desk selling are both non-issues in Ontario, as a reason why they should have been re-accredited as a general farm organization in Ontario.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Tonite on the Lang and O'leary exchange, a member of the NFU defended the wheat board, and actually claimed that it should be brought back. I thought it still existed? When questioned about hedging, he obviously had no clue. Surely someone more educated could have appeared as this give us farmers a bad rap in the public eye.
Maybe the Lang and O'leary exchange could get a farmer to appear from the west who properly sold his wheat and is happy that he/she has the freedom to make their own economic decisions.
Raube Beuerman

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