U.S. sow gestation stalls under attack Sunday, April 1, 2012 The pressure to end the use of dry sow stalls is growing south of the border, and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is the vise. In early February, the Austin Daily Herald in Minnesota reported that Jeff Ettinge, chief executive of Hormel Foods, announced at its annual general meeting plans to end use of sow gestation crates on its Arizona farms by next year and in Colorado and Wyoming by 2017. Ettinge was responding to a question from a member of the HSUS, which is a shareholder.At about the same time, the HSUS announced it was going after Wal-Mart suppliers Seaboard Foods and Prestige Farms. HSUS subsequently complained to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Federal Trade Commission that Seaboard and Prestige spread "grossly false and misleading statements" about its animal welfare practices."McDonald's Corporation announced it will require its U.S. pork suppliers to outline their plans to phase out use of sow gestation stalls by May. "McDonald's wants to see the end of sow confinement in gestation stalls in our supply chain," said a joint press release with HSUS.In addition, Bon Appetit Management, a nationwide food service operator, announced it would phase out pork products from stall-housed sows by 2015. BP Behind the Lines - April 2012 Pakistan capital inundated with wild boars
Did USDA give farmers a gift in January? Wednesday, March 19, 2025 By Aleah Harle Farms.com Risk Management Chief Commodity strategist Moe Agostino believes the USDA gave farmers a gift in January when the USDA dropped the corn yield and ending stock estimates for the 24/25 marketing year. "The January crop report was a gift,” proclaims Agostino. “It... Read this article online
Minister Blois’ first few days on the job Wednesday, March 19, 2025 Kody Blois isn’t wasting any time as Canada’s new federal minister of agriculture and rural development. Since being sworn in as part of Prime Minister Carney’s cabinet on March 14, Blois has kept Canadians up to speed about his vision for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and the... Read this article online
Trevor Jones appointed ag minister in Premier Ford’s cabinet Wednesday, March 19, 2025 There’s a new face overseeing the agriculture portfolio in Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s cabinet. Trevor Jones, the MPP for Chatham-Kent-Leamington, is the new minister of agriculture, food and agribusiness, the premier announced on March 19. Jones previously served as the associate... Read this article online
It’s been a while… Wednesday, March 19, 2025 The () is coming to the Niagara Region this fall, providing a unique opportunity to showcase the community’s agricultural diversity and natural beauty. The annual event is hosted in a different community each year, with this year’s edition the first time in almost 100 years that... Read this article online
Iowa State University Examines Truck Washing and Decontamination Wednesday, March 19, 2025 Research conducted by Iowa State University suggests swine producers and transporters can reduce truck washing and decontamination costs through the strategic scheduling of truck washing. Iowa State University, with funding provided through the Swine Health Information Center Wean-to-Harvest... Read this article online