Runaway pig goes for a burger
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Customers near Pittsburgh faced more than long line-ups after a pig appeared at their Burger King, TIME reports.
In early April, a runaway pig turned up at a Burger King on U.S. Route 30 near Boswell in south-western Pennsylvania. Burger King employee J.J. Nichols told TribLIVE that he had just arrived at work when he saw "this big, black scary-looking ball of fur laying near the back door." According to TIME, the pig wasn't a problem at first, mostly just wandering around and eating hash browns that one customer fed to it. However, it did cause a dilemma when it blocked the drive-through.
Police were called after it nipped at bystander Ashlee Shawley, though she didn't seem to hold a grudge. "It was my fault," she told TribLIVE. "It was following people around trying to get food off of them."
Nichols told TribLIVE that there were a lot of pig jokes that day, especially as the restaurant was having a two-for-$4 special on bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches. "I definitely don't want to hear another pig joke," Nichols said.
According to TribLIVE the pig, which turned out to be an escaped pet, was returned to its owner, Misty Brant of Boswell. BP