PED update Tuesday, February 25, 2014 by SUSAN MANNFive per cent of 721 trailers transporting pigs tested to date have been positive for porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and positive results continue to be detected on a regular basis, says the provincial agriculture ministry in a Feb. 25 industry update.The ministry is also reporting two new confirmed cases on Ontario farms, both on farrow-to-finish operations. One was confirmed in Oxford on Feb. 25, while the other was confirmed in Essex on Feb. 26. There are now confirmed cases on 23 farms in the province.Positive trailer results could occur “as a result of cross contamination, hogs from already known positive farms and other unconfirmed farms with mild PED infections,” says the ministry’s update posted on Ontario Pork’s website. “So far, trace backs of these positive trailers have not uncovered any new serious PED virus infections on farms. This indicates the virus is still circulating but at a low level in Ontario at this time.”The ministry also notes PED is an emerging disease that veterinarians must report to the provincial agriculture ministry under the Ontario Animal Health Act. To date, the rate of new cases remains low.“What we have learned and observed thus far indicates there is every hope we can keep the impact of PED at a low level in Ontario with continued vigilance and strict biosecurity, particularly at the farm gate,” the ministry says.Ontario Pork communications and consumer marketing manager Mary Jane Quinn says “we would support that. We feel increased biosecurity and having pork producers remain vigilant is going to be the key.” Another key to helping manage PED in Ontario is maintaining truck cleaning and disinfection as a top priority.The agriculture ministry says the original case farms are working with their veterinarians and “continue to successfully manage this serious disease. Some farms are again farrowing healthy piglets.” BF Tests inconclusive on link between PED and feed Program helps Ontario's swine industry enhance PED biosecurity measures
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