New hog grading system brings higher returns Monday, November 4, 2013 by MATT MCINTOSHProducers will earn one per cent more for their hogs under a new grading system, says a recent Ontario Pork press release.Yesterday, Ontario Pork confirmed the introduction of a new grading grid that gives farmers more flexibility when it comes to shipping hogs."Under the old grid, producers who ship hogs with an optimal fat and muscle content receive a premium," says Patrick O'Neil, division manager for Ontario Pork's marketing branch. "The new grid expands that optimal weight range, meaning producers have the option of shipping heavier hogs."For example, the narrow optimal range under the previous system ran between 85 and 100 kilograms carcass weight. Now, that range goes from 85 to 105 kilograms."We found that, of all the pigs being shipped, there is a one per cent increase in returns," says O'Neil.The new grading grid works within Ontario Pork's pool and pool plus marketing programs.Under pool plus, farmers contract with and ship their hogs to a variety of processing plants, then receive an average price determined by Ontario Pork.The pool program is the same, but does not involve signing a contract.O'Neil says farmers can go to, or call Ontario Pork to see how the grid will specifically affect them. BF Hog service fee reduced Food bank award recognizes pork program organizers
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration deemed historic event Tuesday, March 18, 2025 A federal program established in the 1930s to support Prairie producers received a national historic event designation from Parks Canada. The Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) was a branch of the federal ag department created through the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act in... Read this article online
Canada resumes imports from biggest US pork plant Monday, March 17, 2025 Canada has resumed imports from the biggest US pork-processing plant, a Smithfield Foods facility in Tar Heel, North Carolina, after suspending shipments for about a week, Reuters reported, citing the company on Friday. The halt temporarily limited a market for American pork products at a... Read this article online
Canada resumes receiving pork from Smithfield Foods Monday, March 17, 2025 Canada is once again accepting pork shipments from Smithfield Foods’ processing plant in Tar Heel, N.C. Canada suspended imports last week “following an issue with a limited number of certain offal shipments,” Smithfield said in a March 14 statement. “We are grateful to the USDA and the... Read this article online
Iowa State University Examines Truck Washing and Decontamination Monday, March 17, 2025 Research conducted by Iowa State University suggests swine producers and transporters can reduce truck washing and decontamination costs through the strategic scheduling of truck washing. Iowa State University, with funding provided through the Swine Health Information Center Wean-to-Harvest... Read this article online
Weekly Hog Market Update – Week Ending March 14, 2025 Monday, March 17, 2025 Hog prices remained steady with slight fluctuations across major markets. In Ontario, the 100 percent base formula price closed at 233.92 per hundredweight, up from the previous year’s 200.35 per hundredweight. The average dressed weight remained stable at 109 kilograms, while total market hog... Read this article online