Lab-grown meat - Earth's saviour or unnatural? Monday, August 4, 2014 Cultured meat, in vitro meat, test-tube meat – the stuff goes by many names. Some see it as the only feasible option for an overpopulated Earth. Others turn up their noses at the concept, calling it "unnatural."Two Dutch researchers, Cor van der Weele and Johannes Tramper, hope to bridge the divide. In a paper published in the June issue of Trends in Biotechnology, they envision a future in which "pigs in backyards or on animal-friendly (urban) farms would serve as the living donors of muscle stem cells through biopsies. These pigs live happy lives as companion animals while their cells are cultured in local meat factories."The pigs would suffer only the occasional prick of a needle, and consumers would be able to see and touch the living pig that produced their meat. This, van der Weele and Tramper believe, would "reverse feelings of alienation."The paper cites research estimating that cultured meat could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, land use and water use by 90 per cent compared with standard European beef production. At this point, production of the "cultured-meat slurry" (yum!) is too costly to make it a real market contender. BP Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea: is porcine blood plasma 'an open portal'? Diving pigs a hit in China
Cultivator’s 250 by 2050 Startup Growth Plan Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Cultivator powered by Conexus has set an ambitious goal to support 250 Saskatchewan companies in reaching $1 million in annual recurring revenue (ARR) by 2050. This initiative builds on its success since 2019, during which 15 companies in its incubator program have reached this... Read this article online
New AgWest Locations in Weyburn and Yorkton Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Farming can be a challenging. With unpredictable weather, long working hours, and ever-changing demands, farmers in Saskatchewan need dependable equipment, innovative technology, and reliable support to stay ahead. AgWest is excited to announce its expansion into Weyburn and... Read this article online
Canadian Grain Commission issues multiple licenses Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Four grain handlers in Western Canada received Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) licenses to begin 2025. On Jan. 1, the CGC provided Grain Millers Canada Corp. with a primary elevator license for its location in Delisle, Sask. This type of license goes to “an operator of an elevator... Read this article online
Manitoba Drops to F in CFIB Red Tape Report Tuesday, February 4, 2025 “While some governments have made progress this year, others have fallen behind. Manitoba, for example, took a colossal step backwards after it eliminated its Red Tape Accountability Act, dropping from a near best-in-class B+ in 2023 to an F this year,” said SeoRhin Yoo, a senior policy... Read this article online
New mental health hotline for Cdn. ag industry Tuesday, February 4, 2025 People in Canadian ag requiring specific mental health support for farmers have a new resource available to them. The Canadian Centre for Agricultural Wellbeing (CCAW) announced the launch of the free National Farmer Wellness Network Crisis Line. Anyone in Canadian ag, whether a... Read this article online