Soil conditions study garners federal funds
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
An association representing Ontario’s processing vegetable growers has received more than $230,000 to study optimal soil conditions for growing cover crops as part of crop rotation.
The federal funding announcement was made Wednesday in Niagara Falls by Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, the MP for Niagara Falls, on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. Nicholson says in a press release the money will help growers implement economically and environmentally sustainable weed management practices that may lead to increased production and a stronger bottom line.
Al Krueger, executive assistant for the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers, says they’re studying whether residue from herbicides used for previous crops, such as soybeans and corn, hinders the establishment of cover crops.
Cover crops, such as annual rye, wheat, oats and oilseed radishes, help replenish soil by reducing erosion, sequestering nitrogen and improving pest management.
Krueger says the study began in May 2011 and continues until the end of 2013. It includes three growing years.
The Ontario processing vegetable growers represents about 600 growers and annually negotiates prices and sale terms and conditions for 13 crops.
The federal government money for the study comes from the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation program, a five-year (2009 to 2014), $163 million fund used to help the Canadian agricultural sector adapt and remain competitive. BF