Ontario's agriculture minister cites protocol for leaving Farm Products vegetable board proposal alone - for now Wednesday, July 20, 2016 by SUSAN MANNOntario’s agriculture minister has declined to wade into a debate on an Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission proposal removing the price negotiating powers of the province’s processing vegetable board.“Given that a decision of the OFPMC (Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission) to reconsider a proposal may be reviewed by me as minister, it would be inappropriate to comment on any specific regulation being proposed,” Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Jeff Leal said in a July 20 letter.The letter was addressed to Progressive Conservative agriculture critic Toby Barrett, MPP for Haldimand-Norfolk. It was in response to a request Barrett made to the minister in a July 15 letter asking for the 45-day comment period on the proposal to be extended beyond the initial Aug. 12 deadline and past harvest time and for public hearings to be held to get feedback.On June 28, the commission posted a proposal on the Ontario Regulatory Registry to rescind the negotiating authority of the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers marketing board and add provisions to turn the board into an industry advisory committee.In his letter, Leal explained to Barrett that if the commission, after gathering and assessing feedback decides to go ahead with its proposal, “a party affected by the decision can file for re-consideration to the OFPMC.” Once the commission makes a re-consideration decision, the minister can review it.Leal urged interested parties, stakeholders and the general public to submit their feedback through the Ontario Regulatory Registry posting during the comment period.“I have also been informed that the OFPMC is reaching out to interested stakeholders about their proposal to gather feedback,” Leal said in the letter.The agriculture minister also assured Barrett that the Ontario government hasn’t “changed its policy of supporting regulated marketing and continues to maintain Ontario’s 21 marketing boards while respecting the delegated authority given to the OFPMC under the legislation (the Farm Products Marketing Act).”Leal’s letter was provided to Better Farming by email from his press secretary, Christina Crowley-Arklie.In the email, she said consultations could continue outside of the regulatory registry process and “outside of the original timeline at the discretion of the original party who put forward the proposal.”She added that questions about extending the consultation period could again be sent to the commission.Commission chair Geri Kamenz did not respond to requests for comment. BF Report shows improvement in Ontario honeybee colony winter survival rates Ducks euthanized at Niagara Region farm with avian flu outbreak
Canada proactively purchases 500,000 doses of a human vaccine against bird flu Friday, March 14, 2025 By Liam Nolan Canada’s agricultural industry continues to monitor the spread of Avian Influenza (AI). The H5N1 HPAI was first reported in Canada in December 2021, below is an update on recent developments. Avian influenza, or bird flu, continues to impact poultry farms... Read this article online
Farmer Planting Decisions for 2025 Taking Shape Thursday, March 13, 2025 As farmers across Canada prepare for the 2025 crop year, Statistics Canada says their planting decisions reflect a complex mix of factors including moisture conditions, crop rotation considerations, and market prices. Nationally, farmers are expected to plant more wheat, corn for... Read this article online
Grain Growers of Sounding the Alarm Over U.S. Tariffs Monday, March 10, 2025 Not surprisingly, the Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) is raising concerns over the United States' decision to impose a 25% tariff on Canadian grain and grain products, a move that could jeopardize the livelihoods of family-run grain farms and lead to higher food prices for American... Read this article online
International Women’s Day – Angela Cammaert Wednesday, March 5, 2025 As International Women’s Day approaches on March 8, Farms.com is asking women in ag about what they’d tell their younger selves about being a farmer, to give a piece of advice to young women entering the ag sector, and to highlight a woman in agriculture they consider a mentor or... Read this article online
Keep Yours Toes Warm in Every Season with the Agro 897 Friday, February 28, 2025 BY: Zahra Sadiq Say goodbye to leaky boots that don’t keep you warm, the Lemigo Agro 897 offers durable waterproof protection, insulation for all-day comfort, and a sturdy design perfect for tackling tough farm tasks in any weather. Lemigo is a family business, 26 years strong, that... Read this article online