Sprayers keep getting bigger and faster with wider booms. Maintai-
ning correct boom height while protecting the boom from striking the
ground or getting tangled in crop can be a real challenge. Greentronics
offers a great solution with their RiteHeight® automatic boom height
control system. RiteHeight® uses ultrasonic sensors to measure and
control the distance from the sprayer boom to the target. It is reasonably
priced, easy to operate and straightforward to install. In fact, more than
75% of end-users install their own RiteHeight® systems.
The RiteHeight® is extremely adaptable and works on any type of new
or used 3-point hitch, trailed, or self-propelled sprayer with some type
of electric-over-hydraulic solenoid control valves to move the booms.
RiteHeight® works with all common hydraulic designs.
Installation is simple because there are just four main items: Contro-
ller with display and keypad, Interface (or Junction) Box, Sensors (up to
five), and cables.
Once installed, a TEST menu shows whether all the connections are
correct. You have to spend a few minutes in the MACHINE SET-UP menu
to enter, for example, the number of sensors and the type of hydraulic
system (Open or Closed). Then you move the sprayer to a safe spot
outside, unfold the booms, and run the auto SELF CALIBRATION step.
This allows the computer to learn your sprayer’s behavior.
Time for a test run! Set the target height in the CONFIGURATION
menu. Watch the boom as you drive through the test area. Quite often
the defaults for parameters such as DELAY FOR UP, DELAY FOR DOWN,
QUICK RAISE HEIGTH, etc. work well. However, you may find room for im-
provement. The CONFIGURATION menu allows you to adjust parameters
as needed.
At spray time set the optimal target height. Choose the operating
mode: Bare Ground, Partial Canopy, or Full Canopy. Use Partial Canopy
when you can see the ground from the driver’s seat and you want the
system to follow the ground and ignore echoes from the canopy.
Greentronics offers optional ISOBUS compatible systems that allow
operating the entire RiteHeight® system from a Universal Terminal scre-
en on compatible displays from John Deere, Outback, Trimble, Ag Leader,
and others. Advantages are: the RiteHeight® menu system is easier to
view and use on large touch screen displays; cab clutter is reduced.
Some users install the RiteHeight® sensors on their Y-Drop systems
where correct boom height is necessary to optimize placement of liquid
fertilizer in row crops.
RiteHeight® allows operators to make on-the-go adjustments to
target height. A Center Boom sensor can be installed for auto height
control of the center boom, or to function as a reference for the outer
sensors. For wide booms or for working in severe terrain and crop
conditions, a 4-sensor system can be installed to improve performance.
The RiteHeight® system is easy to over-ride and constantly monitors
for operator input. When a manual input (for example, the right hand
boom) is detected, auto height control for that boom will be suspended.
The other boom(s) will continue in auto mode. To re-engage auto mode,
the operator touches Down on his switch and RiteHeight® takes over
The RiteHeight® system has been available since 2007. Customer
input has driven many improvements over the years and operators with
older RiteHeight® systems are advised to contact Greentronics about
upgrade options.
Precision Farming
February 2017
Promotional Supplement