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Better Farming

September 2016

“2016 was the year where mis-

takes showed up,” says Martin

Harry, eastern marketing manager

with SeCan. “Rotation, organic

matter, all those little things made

a big difference, especially in

areas where there’s been little

rain. Good farming practices

always shine.” With that in mind,

here are some steps growers can

take in the coming months to get

their 2017 season off to the best

start possible.

Get intimate with your soil:

“Know your farms and know your

fields,” says Shawn Brenneman,

Eastern Canada agronomic

services manager for Syngenta

Canada. “Soil management is

becoming increasingly important.

We need to understand what is in

our soil and help manage the risk

in stand establishment to get the

crop off to the best start possible.”

Use the resources available to

you. “There’s a lot of complexity

in selecting corn hybrids and

soybean varieties,” says Rachel

Faust, technical marketing manag-

er for DuPont Pioneer. “There’s a

lot of different traits and differ-

ences between those traits. It’s

really important growers work with

their seed supplier and ensure

they have that dialogue of what’s

available and match the needs of

their operation.”

Patience pays, says Stephen

Denys, director of business man-

agement with Maizex Seeds. “If

you wait until the ground is fit, it

will reward you.”

Planning to collect crop insur-

ance? “If a field hasn’t come up or

is so thin that it should be written

off with crop insurance, start

calling August 2, and begin the

process of preparing for winter

wheat,” says Harry.

Understand neonic regulations

are here to stay. “Growers can

start planning for next year,

because the neonic regulations are

now law,” says Harry. “You can’t

dig holes in the middle of winter,

so start digging holes and setting

bait traps after winter wheat. And

fill out paperwork early so it’s not

last minute.”

Brush up on insects and crop

diseases. “Misidentification of

some insects or diseases in crops

will be a challenge,” says Wayne

Black, national brand manager,

PROSeeds. “Growers and industry

need to know what they should be

looking for to make their decisions

for seed treatments.”

Assess fields as you go. “It’s

important growers are out assess-

ing their fields throughout the year

to have a good handle on how they

get to their results in the fall,”

says Derek Freitag, regional

agronomy lead with Monsanto

Canada for DEKALB brand seed.

“Just looking at yield numbers in

the fall isn’t the entire story. A big

part of the success of each prod-

uct is having it positioned in the

right spot.”

Communicate with government,

says Denys. “We have to educate

the decision-makers about why we

do things the way we do, and what

happens if we’re forced to go



What you can do now to prepare for Plant 2017

‘Soil management

is becoming

increasingly important.’

– Shawn Brenneman

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September, 2016

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