New Product Showcase
First Injectable lleitis VaccineMAXIMUS
Nominated for Product of the Year at the 2016 World Pork Expo
Invented in Quebec, MAXIMUS control system helps
swine producers manage their facilities remotely and in
real-time using their computer, tablet or smart phone.
The MAXIMUS control system was brought to market
in 2012 and manages settings such as ventilation, air
quality, lighting, energy consumption and animal feed-
ing and weighing.
A new feature added to MAXIMUS called positive pres-
sure ventilation has earned the product a nomination
in the “Product of the Year” category at the 2016 World Pork Expo.
According to André Spilmann, MAXIMUS engineer and executive chairman,
“We have developed this functionality to meet the demands of our
customers. And this translates perfectly our philosophy: team up with
producers to improve the performance of their facilities and the
well-being of their animals”.
The positive pressure ventilation feature ensures animal health
protection by reducing the risk of air contamination. It is as easy to
use as all other MAXIMUS functionalities thanks to the intuitive
software that allows authorized users to quickly adjust temperature
and static pressure data, and monitor in real-time what is happening
on their farm from their computer, smart phone or tablet.
Overview of
the room and
attic when
fans are on