Better Pork
December 2016
obering statistics: The Finnish
Litter Recording Scheme which
reported the performance of
some 30,000 purebred Landrace sows
in 2013 put average lifetime produc-
tion at 3.29 litters.
Britain’s Agriculture and Horticul-
ture Development Board notes this
year that the annual sow replacement
rate for indoor herds averages 52 per
cent. And 32 per cent of gilts coming
into the herd don’t even make it to
their third farrowing!
The replacement rate seems to
be much better in Denmark and the
Netherlands, however. These coun-
tries are currently top of the Euro-
pean swine-production efficiency
league, and both record farrowings
per sow lifetime between 4.8 and
5; sows produce around 60 weaned
hogs apiece.
And in Germany, the Bavarian
Association for Livestock Producer
Groups reports average lifetime
production from its members’ 70,000
sows as 5.1 litters and 52.5 weaned
So what’s the secret for longer-
living, more productive sows? Is it
mainly due to mother sow genetics?
Günther Dahinten from Ba-
varia’s Institute for Animal Breeding
indicates that hybrid mothers from
local breeding programs do indeed
perform much better than those from
international breeding companies in
this respect. For instance, the main
Bavarian hybrid consistently records
a 40 per cent culling rate up to lit-
ter five. The comparative figure for
the worst performing international
breeding company hybrid line is 67
per cent.
Austria’s Swine Breeding Associa-
tion easily matches neighbouring
Bavaria’s performance in this respect.
Not surprisingly, because in Austria
Optimizingsowoutputwith longer productive lives
In Europe, the average sow doesn’t survive to produce a fourth litter. Yet in the best herds, some sows
manage 10 farrowings and more. It’s time to take a closer look at improving sow longevity.
Nowadays, German hybrid sows have a lifetime production of at least
five litters. These sows still have a way to go before they match the
Austrian average of just below seven litters per sow.