Better Farming Ontario | February 2024

TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION 60 Promotional Supplement Technology & Innovation February 2022 Scientists around the world are all observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region of the world. We see these changes as unprecedented this past decade, with forest fires, massive floods and uncommon snowstorms and cold weather in regions across Canada. Scientists and crop advisors think that they understand the problems, but very few can suggest viable solutions that will promote sustainable ag, for these problems. With that said some solutions being tried, like cover crops and green manure application, are being applied to cropping lands, with minimal success. I consider these minimal successes a band aid solution at best. These suggested solutions must be managed and controlled cropping practices. Uncontrolled cover crops become a weed, robbing nutrients and moist from the soil and creating a negative response to the cash crops ROI. (This Topic remains Open for discussion) Another option being suggested is the 4-R Approach. A great idea, but after 5 or 6 years, farmers are still struggling to adopt the programs principal, because of the vast rules to qualify and the costs to apply the program. Our Federal government is suggesting and releasing programs to “Reduce on farm fertilizer” by Jan 1, 2030. This is only 8 years from now. We have currently no government supported agencies doing any serious efforts to address these proposed radical government plans. With the current programs being researched, the current answers proposed require multiple solutions, that a farmer would have to adopt to their farms cropping program. At the end of the day, they will still not qualify because they cannot mathematically prove that they have met the requirements. We need One BMP program that addresses all the concerns. GPS ONTARIO is a Precision Ag product supplier selling Trimble equipment for over 20 years. We have for those 20 years also GOVERNMENT EXPECTING FARMERS TO FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE TO SAVE THE PLANET 52 Technology & Innovation | February 2024 Promotional Supplement