The Best Price. The Best Readership. The Best Value. Better Farming! Call 888-248-4893 x281 to place your ad. 75 Better Farming | December 2024 Ontario Ag Classifieds BUHLER HAMMER MILL, approx 28” wide by 56” swing, $6000. WOOD CHIPPER, 3pth, new in factory crate, 4”, $1900 + Hst. 6”, $2900 + Hst. 6” w/ hyd feed, $3900 + Hst. 705-795-7514. WALLENSTEIN WOOD CHIPPER, 6”, 3pth, exc cond, $3995. 519-319-5008. HD WOOD SPLITTER, 3pth, $500. 519-538-2268. LOG SPLITTER, HD, gas Honda engine. 519-791-2163. HARVESTING/GRAIN EQUIPMENT, several gravity bins, Massey #36 grain swather, 10’, good cond. 519-275-4111. FOR RENT – JD 14’ stalk chopper, 10 wheel V-rake. Lavern Martin 519-823-2200 NH 900 HORNING CORN PROCESSOR, new rolls & bearings, exc cond, $7900, OBO. 519-580-8473. HYD SIDE DUMP TRAILER, used for loading grapes etc. on trucks, 38” tractor tires, water tight hopper, can send pics online. 905-563-7171. 3 BADGER WAGONS, tandem axle, w/ roof, all shedded. 519-688-8012. DION FORAGE WAGON, for sale. 226-228-7588. CIH FORAGE BLOWER, new band. Dion Forage blower. 289-228-3529. NI 620 FORAGE BLOWER, 54” fan, HD PTO, $700. Mildmay Area. 519-240-1188. PAIR OF GEHL 980 FORAGE WAGONS, immaculate cond, low use, always shedded, 16’ box, 6 bolt running gear, 11L15 tires, variable sweep floor chain in both wagons, roofs on both, adj tongue, 3 beater, cream puffs, not a scratch on it, $17000/piece or $32000/ both. 519-529-7765. FIELD QUEEN FORAGE HARVESTER, 250hp Cat engine, 14’ sickle head, side dump box, knife sharpener. 519-575-0143. NH FP230 HARVESTER, tandem, metal alert. 2 heads. 519-688-8012. INT 830 HARVESTER, for sale. 519-281-7174. FOX FORAGE HARVESTER, 2R head, hay & straw header, like new inside, best offer. 519-319-0847. IH 550 FORAGE HARVESTER, w/ 2 heads, hay head has done 25 acres. Stratford Area. 519-393-6293. 6-HAY WAGONS, different sizes, call for details & pricing. 519-365-5725. BALE THROWING WAGON, 8’x20’, wooden rack, working cond, $1000, OBO. 519-484-2985. ROUND BALE WAGON, steel frame, 15’, 8 ton, good shape, $1000. 519-538-2268. 2-STEEL HAY WAGONS, 6 wheels/ea, tandem, 1-24’ $4000, 1-20’ $3800. Vanleek Hills Area. 613-874-1194. ROCK-O-MATIC WINDROWER, 20’, $2500. 613-387-3895. NH 488 HAYBINE, 9’, pull type, rollers exc, everything in good working cond, good tires, field ready, $4600, OBO. 613-453-3577. 3-WESTEEL ROSCO BINS, 19’ diameters, 2x5 rings, 1x6 rings, w/ full floor aeration. 519-524-3863. GRAVITY BOXES & WAGONS, Bruns, Horst & Martin, various sizes. 613-4494483 or 613-385-2923. SILO PIPE, 24’ of approx 9”, used very little for sawdust, $125, can deliver. 905-648-3793. JD 213 PU HEAD, & JD 213 FLEX HEAD. 519-375-1387. AC 436 HEADER, for M3, L3, 10’ pickup header, M3 or L3. 905-892-3326. 2012 RICHIGER R950 GRAIN BAGGER, exc cond, can process up to 13000 BU/hr, always shedded, $25000. 519-533-2405. 3-SILO BASKETS, $150/ea. 705-563-8208. ROLLER MILL, for high moisture corn, c/w motor and stand. 905-308-1351. MOISTURE TESTER, for grain, exc working order, very accurate, $100. 905-957-7506. MF 540 COMBINE, best offer. Phone often. 519-542-9417. PRECISION PLANTING YIELDSENSE MONITOR, off JD 9660 combine. Call Ken 226-820-1407. MF 860 COMBINE, plus heads. 519-276-8151. JD 4400 COMBINE, 15’ header on home made cart, $7000, OBO. 519-289-5775. GRAVITY WAGON, 150bu, w/ roof, good for seed, $1500, OBO. 519-349-2453. GRAIN-O-VATOR, w/ extensions & pipes, good cond. 519-363-5115. CASE INT 1063 CORN HEAD, late model w/ poly snout, cab saver shield, in exc cond, serviced annually by Case Int tech, stored inside, $12500, OBO. 519-345-2636. MF 33 CORN HEAD, harvested approx 600 acres, $1000. Evenings. 519-736-8976. NH 824 CORN HEAD, 2R. 289-228-3529 ZIEGLER 551 TEDDER, in good working cond. 613-401-1023. NI 402 RAKE, side delivery, always shedded, $2500. Mildmay Area. 519240-1188. BIS CO RAKE, 3pth, 2 wheel reel, in exc cond, $500, OBO. 519-504-1086. KUHN 4120TH ROTARY RAKE, masterdrive, average cond, 10 working arms, 11.5’ working width, tandem chassis, hyd up & down, $7000. Lucknow Area. 519-529-7765. NEW TINES, for Niemeyer tedder, 8 right, 3 left. Call or text 519-536-6594. No Sunday calls. IHC ROTARY HOES, one 3pth, other is carrier. 519-360-0312. LAND PRIDE RCR 2572 GRASS CUTTER, for sale. 519-983-6848. MF 228 BALER, w/ thrower, exc cond, w/ 2-steel hay wagons, 6 wheels/ea, tandem, 1-24’, 1-20’, $16000 for all. Vanleek Hills Area. 613-874-1194. MF 228, exc cond, w/ thrower, $7500 firm. Vanleek Hills Area. 613-874-1194. HAY BALE BUNCHER/ACCUMULATOR, exc cond, $600. 705-799-6922. JD 328 SM SQ BALER, field ready. 705-933-4031. SHIP PROVINCE WIDE – Hay & Straw. Top quality hay & low potassium hay. All prices quoted. Delivered. DeerRun Farms, Paul 519-323-7443. Brad 519-323-6830. WANTED: Someone to buy and take down trees; cedar, poplar, hard & soft wood. 613-989-6150. WANTED: LOGS & standing timber. Townsend Lumber is paying top dollar for your logs & standing timber. Contact our experienced representative today for your free consultation. Mike Penner 519-688-1426 or Jay Hanson and Logging Office: 519-688-1236. Ask about our premiums for year round access. ALL STANDING TIMBER - quality selective cutting, free quotes, guaranteed workmanship & payment before harvesting. Joe Lucan, Langton Timber Harvesting. 519-847-5710. BLANCHER AUGER, 7X41’, as new. 519695-6613. ALLIED GRAIN AUGER, 40’x6”, PTO driven, $600. 519-364-2099. GRAIN AUGER, 12’, 4”, w/ 1/3hp motor. 519-484-2985. 8 SMALL WALNUT LOGS, 12” to 14” across, 8’ long, no nails, $500 for the pile. 519-269-3945. BUZZSAW, steel, rubber tires. 905-473-6448. OTHER 5290 FORESTRY & WOODLOT CHIPPERS/ SPLITTERS 5310 STANDING TIMBER 5380 OTHER 5390 GRAIN HANDLING / STORAGE AUGERS / ELEVATORS / CONVEYORS 5410 GRAIN BINS & EQUIPMENT 5420 OTHER 5490 HARVESTING COMBINES 6010 GRAVITY WAGONS 6050 HEADERS - CORN 6060 HEADERS - OTHER 6080 OTHER 6190 HAY & FORAGE BALE WAGONS / RETRIEVERS 6310 BALERS – LARGE SQUARE 6325 BALERS - SMALL SQUARE 6320 FORAGE HARVESTERS 6335 FORAGE BLOWERS /BOXES 6340 MOWER CONDITIONERS /WINDROWERS 6350 RAKES/TEDDERS 6355 ROTARY MOWERS /SICKLE MOWER 6360