Better Farming Ontario | December 2024

If you or someone you know is struggling, the Farmer Wellness Initiative can help. Call 1-866-267-6255 available 24/7, 365 days a year. This winter, prioritize the wellness of the farm’s most important agricultural resource – you, the farmer. Making Wellness Matter Wellness tips: 3 Self check-in: is your tank full of energy or running on fumes? Outsourcing lingering tasks can help complete the winter to-do list. 3 Recharge the batteries: find activities you enjoy while ensuring you’re getting enough rest to recuperate this winter. 3 Stay connected: keep in contact with loved ones and your community. 3 Reach out: if you or someone you know is struggling, there are resources and people available to help. “You are the farm’s most valuable resource” | @OntarioFarms | OntarioFarms | OntarioFarms | ontariofarms | ontario-federation-of-agriculture For more information and resources: making-wellness-matter