Better Farming Ontario | August 2024

52 Advertising Section | All content supplied by LICO Drainage Directory | August 2024 need to invest in water management on the farm. He penciled out that the 15-20 per cent yield increase from a drainage system would mean a 50 per cent increase in profitability per acre. And he also realized that there would never be a tile big enough to take the surface water away as fast as he wanted, not one that was affordable in any case. So, when he brought in Bruce Laidlaw to have a look at the farm in 2016, they discussed installing berms to temporarily hold water back and direct it underground. Two years later, at the ripe age of 25, McQueen took the leap and made the investment. Even before he bought farm equipment, he invested in water management for the property. The drainage installation was done by Laidlaw Farm Drainage in 2018, and McQueen did much of the earthmoving himself. Laidlaw had been a Certified Erosion Control Contractor for several years at that point and had the resources to properly size and design the berms. The holding areas Event organizers and speakers checking out the top-most berm on a tour of McQueen’s farm in early June. Laidlaw Farm Drainage plow in its shinier era. Drainage Directory