Better Farming Ontario | April 2024

Ontario’s Agricultural Hall of Fame 58 Promotional Supplement Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame | April 2024 The inductees will be recognized in a ceremony on June 9, bringing the total number of inductees recognized since 1980 to 262. To qualify for this prestigious recognition, inductees must have shown visionary leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship and have demonstrated a lasting legacy to Ontario agriculture through their careers. Inductees for 2024 and their nominators include: Bert Andrews has devoted his life to agriculture, education and community. As a board member of Fruit Wines of Ontario, he was successful in advocating for the sale of Ontario fruit wines at provincial farmers’ markets. He also led research and worked with the Halton Federation of Agriculture, Halton Agricultural Advisory Committee and MPAC to ensure farm values were based on farmer-to-farmer sales (and not at development-based values). This successful campaign raised significant awareness to farm values and brought fairness to the assessment process. As the owner/operator of Andrews Scenic Acres, he was a leader in agriculture and food education. Annually, the business hosted more than 15,000 students and approximately 60,000 visitors. It also provided the University of Guelph with space for test plots for blueberries, strawberries and raspberries to advance varieties and pest control. His commitment to the farming community also resulted in him serving in leadership roles with the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association, Ontario Berry Growers, Farmers Markets Ontario and Country Heritage Park, among others. Bert Andrews is nominated by the Halton Region Federation of Agriculture Ron Bonnett has shown a long-standing commitment to the agriculture and agri-food sectors municipally, provincially, federally and globally since he moved to an Algoma farm in 1975. As founding president of the Algoma Federation of Agriculture, Ron went on to serve in leadership roles with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) and most recently as founding president and North American board member for the World Farmers’ Organization. Ron’s leadership at both OFA and CFA was integral during the Walkerton water crisis and then the BSE crisis. As president of the OFA during the Walkerton crisis, Ron recognized that it was critical for agriculture in Ontario to take a responsible attitude and work together with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of the Environment to find solutions that would make it possible for agriculture to survive and at the same time be responsible to the environment. At the federal level during BSE, Ron, as president of OFA, worked closely with the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and government to develop national support programs to help the industry through the financial crisis and also travelled to Brussels, Geneva and Washington to reassure trading partners of the safety of Canadian product and steps taken to manage the disease. Ron Bonnett is nominated by the Algoma Federation of Agriculture BERT ANDREWS (1943 – ) RON BONNETT (1952 – ) “Keep growing, keep building and operate as if you will go on forever.” As CEO and owner of L.H. Gray & Son Ltd., Bill Gray has lived this philosophy and has dedicated his life to innovating the future of food in Ontario and across Canada through constant adoption of new egg-farming science and technologies. He has a passion for quality partnerships and works with hundreds of Ontario egg farmers to grade and market their eggs. His interest in the egg industry also expands beyond borders. He continuously learns from other leaders through the US and globally, bringing this international perspective home to improve Ontario’s egg industry. Gray Ridge Eggs, Inc. supports Ontario farmers in the implementation of welfare-friendly advances in cage free, enriched colony hen housing systems and barn designs. The designs contain some of the country’s most technologically advanced housing and ventilation systems. He has also continuously supported advancements in poultry education and research at his farms and never misses an opportunity to share knowledge with others. Bill Gray is nominated by Gray Ridge Eggs Inc. BILL GRAY (1936 – )