Better Farming Ontario | November 2023

34 Follow us on Twitter @BetterFarmingON Better Farming | November 2023 a few Highlands, they were mixed in with Pat Haufe’s herd. “Our few Highland cattle were fostered by Mr. Haufe – ‘just Pat if you please’ – and we began to work together,” says Michael. “Pat began to get me involved with the local ag federation. When he was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease, he asked me to become interim secretary for the East Nipissing-Parry Sound (ENPS) Federation of Agriculture. “He le large shoes to ll that gradually became my own to wear and I have lled them to this day.” Michael and Tom purchased Haufe’s cow-calf operation, creating part of the family farm they run today. e Marchants grow vegetables in an 18,000-square foot garden and harvest hay for their livestock with the help of their neighbour, John Hergott. e family raises four to ve pigs a year, a couple hundred meat chickens, some layer hens and enough turkeys for their neighbours for anksgiving. Michael’s father is still at the core of the farm, and it’s a full team e ort to manage the operation. “I do the majority of the sales and inventory,” says Michael about one of his roles on the farm. “We help each other with admin tasks and chores and maintenance. Especially in hay season we try to back Thomas with his hydraulic post pounder. Michael Marchant photo 800.929.8975 Up close