Better Farming |December 2023

The Best Price. The Best Readership. The Best Value. Better Farming! Call 888-248-4893 x281 to place your ad. 83 Better Farming | December 2023 Ontario Ag Classifieds HARDY BACKHOE, 3pth, 14” & 28” buckets, good working cond, $2600. 519-338-2152. Leave message. 2000 FORD NH 575E TLB, 4WD, extenda hoe, 2 stick, 22” tine bucket, no leaks, no broken glass, tight & very good machine, good rubber, 3100hrs, $36000. Aylmer. 519-765-2064. SAWMILLS - Canadian made, quality SMG portable sawmills, many models to choose from, starting at $6,995 plus shipping; Clark Code Repairs, Kemptville, ON 613-258-3829; free demos LOGS, 5-Walnut, 5-Cherry, 3-Red Oak. Good size logs, $1/board foot. 519-247-3644. MF 550 COMBINE, hydro, w/ PU head, $6000. 519-396-8376. CIH 2166 COMBINE, 6R corn head, 1020 soybean head, extra new parts, has a chopper, $45000, OBO. 519-586-2522. JD 4400 COMBINE, 12’ grain & soybean head, used last yr, works well, always shedded, $6000. Brockville Area. 613-802-4442. 1967 JD 95 COMBINE, w/ 13’ grain head, gas engine, chopper, complete cab, ok condition for year, second owner, $2900, OBO, Bennett fuel hand pump from 1960’s, brand new! $295. 905-776-1431. NI 801 COMBINE, like new. 519-355-4627. JD 4400 COMBINE, diesel, 443 corn head, 13’ straight cut, stored inside, $7000, OBO. 519-375-1387. MF 850 COMBINE, hydro drive, 1163 corn head & 9R 20” corn head. 519-881-8966. GRAIN CART/GRAIN BUGGY, 410BU, w/ 12” unloading auger, $7500. 705-799-6922. BLANCHER AUGER, 7X41’, as new. 519-695-6613. MERIDIAN SWING AWAY AUGER, 10”, 66’. Walinga super 510 deluxe vac. Batco 1355 belt conveyor. 2-2000 Westeel grain bins. Westfield auger, 7”x51’, PTO drive. 519-878-3084. GRAIN AUGER, 5”, 20’, with motor, $150. 705-434-8604. MARKET PLASTIC AUGER, 6”x14’, almost new, all complete. 416-616-9451. 5-UTILITY AUGERS, 4”x12’ w/ elec motor, good cond, best offer. 519-347-2451. M&W PERFECT KERN’L PROCESS GRAIN DRYER, continuous flow, 800bu capacity, stored inside. 519-347-2281. MC GRAIN DRYER, continous flow, good cond. 647-984-6364. GRAINERY AERATION TUBING, 12” Y aeration tube, for 19’ bin, best offer. 519-531-0294. 2012 RICHIGER R950 GRAIN BAGGER, exc cond, can process up to 13000 BU/hr, always shedded, $25000. 519-533-2405. ROLLER MILL, for high moisture corn, c/w motor and stand. 905-308-1351. MF 8200 FLEX HEAD, 25’, AWS air, orbit reel, four/aft, new knife, 200 acres. 226-927-8276. 2-JD FLEX HEADS, 1-922, 1-925. 613-387-3895. BOBCAT 337 EXCAVATOR, long arm, new track and drive sprocket, has AC, w/ hyd thumb, 4800hrs, asking $38500. 519-820-8184. 1983 BADGER 888, hydroscopic, HD machine, nice & tight, no breaks or welds, 4 cyl diesel, hyd bkt to 25’ depth, 20 ton, runs great, ready to work, $25000. Lindsay. Pics on 705-324-4555. 4-GRAIN AUGERS, 6”, 8”, 14’ to 35’. Estate sale: equipment & tools. Stouffville Area. 905-473-3108. LITTLE GIANT ELEVATOR, 28’, SINGLE CHAIN, $1500. 905-836-9656. CROSS AUGER, NH 790 harvester, new, $480. 905-892-3326. TURNCO HOPPER BOXES, used, 200bu. 519-671-4950. 2-GRAVITY BOXES, $4500/ea or $8000 for 2. 519-754-6319. TURNCO GRAVITY WAGON, $2000. 519-983-6848. NH 271 BALER, less thrower, stored inside, $900. Mildmay Area. 519-240-1188. NH 316 BALER, has bale skis & acid applicator, w/ Steffan 18 bale accumulator. 519-348-8334. NEVER USED CAT G3512B GENSET GENERATOR, packaged, natural gas, $715000. Calgary, AB. 403-971-3326. WOOD CHIPPER, 3pth, new in factory crate, 4”, $1900 + Hst. 6”, $2900 + Hst. 6” w/ hyd feed, $3900 + Hst. 705-795-7514. 2010 CASE IH 3405, 6R, 30”, $39000. Pic on 226-234-0933. WHITE CORN HEAD, 4R, done very little, easy to convert to narrow rows, stored inside, $1000. 519-636-2078. MF 33 CORN HEAD, harvested approx 600 acres, $1000. Evenings. 519-736-8976. WANTED: LOGS & standing timber. Townsend Lumber is paying top dollar for your logs & standing timber. Contact our experienced representative today for your free consultation. Mike Penner 519-688-1426 or Jay Hanson and Logging Office: 519-688-1236. Ask about our premiums for year round access. STANDING TIMBER - hardwood and softwoods. Quality workmanship guaranteed. B. Kropf Forestry Service Ltd., Bruce Kropf, RR 1, Shakespeare, ON, N0B 2P0. 519-748-7422. ALL STANDING TIMBER - quality selective cutting, free quotes, guaranteed workmanship & payment before harvesting. Joe Lucan, Langton Timber Harvesting. 519-847-5710. STANDING SPRUCE, approx 42 acres, you cut, access to it all year round (some hardwood). 905-648-3793. HARVESTING/GRAIN EQUIPMENT, several gravity bins, Massey #36 grain swather, 10’, good cond. 519-275-4111. POTATO DIGGER, single row. 519-458-4756. HOPS HARVESTER, PTO driven, like new, $25000. Pics on 519-882-1220. NH 900 HORNING CORN PROCESSOR, new rolls & bearings, exc cond, $7900, OBO. 519-580-8473. HYD SIDE DUMP TRAILER, used for loading grapes etc. on trucks, 38” tractor tires, water tight hopper, can send pics online. 905-563-7171. NI 484 RD BALER, stored inside, asking $4500. Mildmay Area. 519-240-1188. AVCO NI 456 RD BALER, welger system, w/ manual, good cond, $1800. 519-477-5168. JD 469 SILAGE SPECIAL ROUND BALER, 4x6, 540 PTO drive, 21.5L - 16.1 floatation tires, 5’ wide pick up w/ rotary feeding system, push bar, net & twine, just under 14100 bales, exc cond, $45000. 519-529-7765. KUBOTA BV5160 RD BALER, exc cond, surface wrap, 5 HD endless belts, 540 PTO, 6’ wide PU, hyd PU, hyd drop floor, auto chain oiler, 14 knive roto cut system, flotation tires, just under 11500 bales, $50000. 519-529-7765. NH FP230 HARVESTER, tandem, metal alert. 519-688-8012. NH SUPER 717 FORAGE HARVESTER, w/ hay PU, nice machine, knives & ledger are in good cond, hood controls. 519-363-5115. IH 550 FORAGE HARVESTER, w/ 2 heads, hay head has done 25 acres. Stratford Area. 519-393-6293. NH 782 HARVESTER, hay PU, elec controls, lift & tongue cyl, exc mech, field ready, inside, $3400. 905-892-3326. AGMASTER RUNNING GEAR, 14 ton, w/ 14” implement tires, $4000/ea. 519-580-8473. JD 963 RUNNING GEAR WAGON, w/ wooden deck, 8’x16’. 519-845-3775. 2-STEEL HAY WAGONS, 6 wheels/ ea, tandem, 1-24’ $4000, 1-20’ $3800. 613-874-1194. CONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT BACKHOES & LOADERS 5210 EXCAVATORS 5240 OTHER 5290 FORESTRY & WOODLOT CHIPPERS/ SPLITTERS 5310 STANDING TIMBER 5380 OTHER 5390 GRAIN HANDLING / STORAGE AUGERS / ELEVATORS / CONVEYORS 5410 GRAIN DRYER 5430 OTHER 5490 GRAIN BINS & EQUIPMENT 5420 HARVESTING COMBINES 6010 GRAIN CARTS 6040 HEADERS - CORN 6060 GRAVITY WAGONS 6050 HEADERS - FLEX 6070 OTHER 6190 HAY & FORAGE BALE WAGONS / RETRIEVERS 6310 BALERS - ROUND 6315 BALERS - SMALL SQUARE 6320 FORAGE HARVESTERS 6335