Better Farming |December 2023

40 The Business of Ontario Agriculture Better Farming | December 2023 Nonetheless, here are a few numbers from the first plot. We have DK 3212XF yielding 59.8 bushels at 15.2 per cent moisture, TSW of 180 grams and 2,522 seeds per pound, with a final harvest population of 185K. Final seeds are harvested at 8.9M. Another variety PS3022XFN is yielding 59.2 bushels at 15.9 per cent moisture, TSW of 162 grams and 2,802 seeds per pound, with a final harvest population of 180K. Final seeds are harvested at 9.9M. The plot overall has 15 varieties with an average yield of 61.2 bushels at 13.7 per cent moisture and average, TSW of 159 grams and an average seeds per pound of 2,856. Yield components can vary quite a bit yet still have similar final yields. The plot is a clay soil texture, was planted on May 18, fertilized according to a soil test, and has 82 pounds of phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) and 47 pounds of potassium oxide (K2O) per acre, with a targeted population of 200K in 7.5inch row spacing. Once we have all the data collected, I can share it in another article. I’ve included a chart from the cited article in the Agronomy Journal; see below. This research looked at 78 sites that were ranked by YE. The YE explained 39.9 per cent of the yield differences, followed by planting date (PD) at 6.1 per cent and relative maturity (RM) at 2.3 per cent, row spacing (RS) at 1.7 per cent, and a combination of PD, RM and RS at 2.8 per cent. Based on this study, 47.2 per cent of the variance was attributed to things not measured. We have known for a long time what the prerequisites for higher yielding soybeans are:  Plant early;  Full season varieties;  Proper agronomic practices, current soil tests, following 4 R practices on fertility, addressing all essential nutrient needs on a site-specific basis; and;  Early season weed control. Make observations in your fields, especially during the early vegetative growth stages and throughout the reproductive stages. Consider collecting a plant tissue sample at R5 growth stages and submit to a lab for nutrient analysis. Any results below critical value should be considered as yield-limiting and, depending on the nutrient, a foliar in-season application or an adjustment in a nutrient application for the next crop cycle should be addressed. Use integrated pest management practices for insect control. Observe plant health to maintain an extended bean-fill period. This most often involves using fungicides. Follow best management practices that support soil health to reduce stresses. Consider complex crop rotation, including cover crops, when possible. Cover crops can assist in improving aggregate stability to support extensive root development to aid crops: yield matter$ Diseases like sudden death soybeans are a stress we can manage. Dale Cowan photo Total Source of variation Variance % YE† YE: planting date (PD) YE: relative maturity (RM) YE: row spacing (RS) YE: RM: PD: RS Residual 39.9 6.1 2.3 1.7 2.8 47.2 100