Better Farming |December 2023

18 It’s Farming. And It’s Better. Better Farming | December 2023 Guidance Systems says Vaarkamp, noting that compatibility with an electric motor turning system is unique to Ag Leader. CaseIH offers a similar feature for their hydraulic systems, and Quandahl explains the benefits. “AccuTurn is an automated end-ofrow turning option,” says Quandahl. “We can command the tractor to turn around on its own at the end of the row, so you hit the next guidance line with more accuracy. You typically have to raise the implement, turn around, and sometimes have to square up. With AccuTurn you can hit that exactly square.” Another feature that may be of interest is a system’s ability to collect and integrate data. This can be valuable for assessing the cost of production, as well as improving precision in the fields. “Is managing your farm data important? Then you want something that stores and collects data for you, and allows you to integrate that,” says Wallace. “On my operation, when I input the data into software, I can associate a dollar value into the task. It can calculate custom work rates on the implement itself and I can also put an hourly rate to the operator by selecting who’s on the seat.” The extra features available with guidance systems can help producers improve efficiency and management in their fields. OEM versus aftermarket Guidance systems are available from many original equipment manufacturers (OEM) or available as aftermarket upgrades. There are some benefits to both sources. “Using an OEM system makes it a little bit easier for customers as they move between different machines,” says Quandahl, noting the consistent experience that OEM systems provide. “I don’t have to try to think about which function I’m using. It’s a very cohesive experience and it makes it a lot easier for producers as they move between different options.” Wallace notes that OEM systems work well for producers who have a consistent fleet of tractors, and frequently move between equipment of the same brand. It might also make for a lower cost of entry. “But that doesn’t mean that’s where you have to stop.” OEM brands of guidance systems typically work best on equipment of the same brand. When seeking out a new system, sometimes aftermarket systems can integrate more easily. “That also comes down to your three-to-five-year goal,” says Wallace. “Do you want to integrate into other tools you have on your farm and capture that data while limiting displays in the cab? If that’s the case, then you probably want to stick with Trimble or Ag Leader at that point.” How to choose How does a producer assess all these factors to choose the right guidance system for their farm? “It’s going to come down to the goals of their operation,” says Quandahl. “One of the easiest ways to start is looking at what equipment they have today. Are they in a smaller utility tractor where we could easily add an electric system to their machine? Or if it’s a bigger Case IH Magnum or Steiger, that equipment may already have Guidance systems can help producers improve efficiency and field management. LivingImages/istock/Getty Images Plus photo