Better Farming |December 2023

10 Follow us on Twitter @BetterFarmingON Better Farming | December 2023 Ontario farmers are familiar with stories of equipment, tools and vehicles being stolen from neighbouring farms, or maybe even their own farm. While it feels like criminals are getting braver than ever, the OFA has shared a few tips on securing farmyards and equipment, making farms a more challenging target. Some of these tips include posting “No Trespassing” signs, controlling entry to yards with gates and reduced entrances, keeping yards well-lit with alarm or surveillance systems, and locking vehicles, equipment and valuable items. While these strategies are helpful in discouraging trespassers and thieves, there are no guaranteed solutions. Despite the distance between neighbours in rural areas, it’s also important that the rural community continues to look out for their neighbours. In a recent survey of Better Farming readers, 24 per cent shared that farm crime was not a concern on their farm, while 76 per cent responded that they were concerned about farm crime. Ontario farmers shared their concerns for farm security and what they are doing to improve it in the responses below. Allison, Peel Region: We now have security cameras on our property and GPS in some of our vehicles. Mark, Lambton County: We’ve had people stealing gas. We installed more motion lights, lock things up and have a guard dog. Jim, Elgin County: No crime experienced yet. We lock vehicles, have additional lighting and remove keys from tractors. Jason, Grey County: Yes, theft has occurred on the farm. A camera has been installed to monitor the property. Sandra, Huron County: No thefts at this time but we are worried about it. Tom, Prince Edward County: We’ve had no real crime but some trespassing ATVs. Everything is locked when not in use or put inside the drive shed. The keys are in the house, fuel tanks are locked and the yard is lit with flood lights at night. Steve, Oxford County: We have lighted yards and two really good dogs that have a very mean bark when people come up the driveway. And they surround the car or person until we get to them. Yvonne, Huron County: No, we haven’t had problems with crime. It’s always a concern though. We used to be able to leave the keys in the truck if you left it in the field or in the yard. Not anymore. We have lots of yard lighting at night. Our shed doors are usually closed for less visibility. Ben, Huron County: We’ve had no theft on our farm, but we do take precautions whenever we go on holidays like hide some things behind larger equipment. We lock vehicles and keep keys in a secure spot in the house. Derek, Niagara Region: Yes, we’ve had trouble. Our yards are well lit at night, and we keep highly targeted and vulnerable items out of sight from passing traffic as much as possible. I also installed a buried driveway doorbell alarm that rings in the house when anything metal goes within its range. And I have a couple dogs that are really friendly, but one of them weighs in at about 130 pounds, so they still have an intimidating presence, and they definitely bark at night when something disturbs them. Linda, Prince Edward County: Yes, we’ve had a four-wheeler stolen some time ago and fuel. We don’t take the steps we probably should, but we have a couple of large family dogs that are outdoors a lot. I think this helps. Larry, Brant County: Yes, I’ve had theft on my farm – tools, vehicles and fuel. I have a security system installed and cameras as well. My dog is also a deterrent but not as good as my last dog. Bryon, Peel Region: We lost a 50-foot auger with no trace to be found. We have motion lights and a yard camera. We do not leave keys in any vehicles or machinery. The sentry yard light has been a permanent fixture for decades. We do have good neighbours and we look out for each other as best we can. Joan, Grey County: We are very fortunate. We live in a very tight knit community where neighbours watch out for neighbours. Eleanor, Leeds County: We’ve had no thefts for many years. We just keep most equipment very close to the house area or within the dog’s yard, so no one will get close or into her yard without us knowing. BF Digging Deeper RURAL CRIME STILL A CONCERN FOR MOST ‘We do have good neighbours & we look out for each other as best we can.’ By Emily Croft Emily Croft photo Is rural crime a concern on your farm? 24% NO 76% YES