Better Pork | June 2024

ESTABLISHED 1968 ‘Being on top of what goes below’ We provide: MARQUARDT FARM DRAINAGE LTD • Plastic and Concrete Tile Installations • Land Clearing, ditch excavation • Erosion control contractor • Free estimates • Competitive pricing • Personal service • GPS, surveying, mapping and installation • Drainage knowledge and expertise Steve Cronsberry (Owner) 5483 Fifth Line Minto, Palmerston I 1-888-534-0393 I 519-343-3233 Of providing professionally designed and installed drainage systems. 6 Efficient drainage systems increase crop yields and profits. 36 Promotional Supplement Better Pork | June 2024 OPC BOOTH - 4-I70 Enter for a chance to win the surprise grand prize! Attendees are encouraged to join the OPC card game, by having their name tag punched at various booths throughout the show. Once you‘re done, find a volunteer at an OPC entrance to receive your prize!