Better Pork | June 2024

22 The Business of Canadian Hog Farming Better Pork | June 2024 little ones, and covering all our bases paid off in a big way. What’s your top goal personally and professionally? Personally, to continue to learn and grow as a person, and be a good role model to my kids and the younger generation. Professionally, to do my part to make this industry better so my kids can have the opportunity to raise pigs and farm like I have. If you could send a message to non-farmers, what would it be? Do not believe everything you read. There are so many misconceptions out there, yet nobody cares more than us about the animals we raise and the land we farm. It is our livelihood, so it only makes sense from that perspective, and ethically it is the right thing to do. Oh yes, and one other thing: Eat more pork! BP Intermittent mode is NOT available for iOS. MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE. The PigCHAMP Mobile allows for remote data entry of PigCHAMP Reproductive information while providing basic reporting functionality and validation to users. This allows users to interact directly with PigCHAMP Online or Client Hosted PigCHAMP. NEW functionality for mobile is intermittent connectivity, allowing use in areas with limited internet capabilities. FEATURES › In-barn data validation › Optional intermittent connectivity › Bluetooth-enabled RFID function › Bar code scanning › Real-time data The Agri-Alert system keeps tabs on the barn's temperature. Waldner Family photo UP CLOSE