Be Certain. IT’S TIME TO PROCEED WITH CERTAINTY PrevailTM Disinfectants, powered by Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® technology, offer unique benefits in the fight against African Swine Fever virus. ASFv can have a devastating impact to your livelihood and prevention is the only protective measure. For comprehensive information on preventing the spread of African Swine Fever (ASFv) through effective biosecurity measures, download the guide by scanning the QR code. *Refer to reference sheets for a complete list of efficacy claims and use directions. You must read and follow the instructions on the label for our product and use the product for the particular applications specified on the product label. AHP® and Design and Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® and Design are trademarks of Diversey, Inc. Prevail™ is a member of the Virox family of brands. FARM DISINFECTANTS Download the Biosecurity Guide for African Swine Fever