Better Farming Prairie | July August 2024

8 The Business of Prairie Agriculture Better Farming | July/August 2024 Beyond the Barn FCC COLLABORATES WITH PEPSICO & DUCKS UNLIMITED Farm Credit Canada (FCC) is collaborating with Ducks Unlimited Canada and PepsiCo to support Prairie grain and oilseed farmers who grow oats or canola in their rotations.These financial incentives will be directed to Prairie producers who participate in FCC’s Sustainability Incentive Program. To participate, producers will need to plant perennial forages on their unproductive cropland as part of Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Marginal Areas program. The Marginal Areas program promotes seeding down less productive acres with forage seed to improve profitability, create buffer zones, and manage crop disease and weeds. “The uptake from our producer partners who have already taken advantage of our partnership with FCC has been incredible,” said Paul Thoroughgood, national manager of sustainability at DUC, in a recent release from FCC. “With PepsiCo at the table, we can support more farmers across the Prairies, recognizing them for the positive impacts they have on the landscape by providing more incentives.” Ducks Unlimited Canada and PepsiCo will contribute 50 per cent of total payment that producers are eligible for as part of FCC’s Sustainability Incentive Program, up to a limit of $1,000 per application. Payments are determined as a portion of a loan with FCC to a maximum of $2,000 per year or $50 per acre registered in the DUC’s Marginal Areas Program. “Our Sustainability Incentive Program encourages sustainable farming practices while supporting nature-positive outcomes,” said Curtis Grainger, FCC director of sustainability programs. “With support from PepsiCo, we can further reward producers who add to the long-term health of Canada’s agriculture and food industry.” BF The government of Manitoba is working with the Canadian government to prioritize predation prevention in a new investment. The Livestock Predation Prevention Program was recently announced by federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn as part of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) and will promote improved relationships between wildlife and livestock farmers in Manitoba. The collaborative investment by the federal and provincial governments will total $500,000 and can be used to purchase equipment, livestock guardian animals, or construct predator-resistant fencing. “Our hardworking livestock producers can face major challenges due to predator attacks. This funding will ensure our producers have access to the tools they need to modernize their operations so they can continue to farm alongside rural wildlife, while protecting their bottom lines,” said MacAulay in a release from the government of Manitoba. The funding will be divided into two streams. The first stream, Livestock Predation Prevention Equipment and Guardian Dogs, will allow for the purchase of pre-approved solar foxlights, electronet, fladry, and livestock guardian dogs. The second stream, Predator Resistant Fence Construction, will allow producers to apply for support in building eligible fencing that deters predators from entering calving and lambing areas, pastures, and deadstock compost sites. “Predation-related challenges pose a significant concern for Manitoba’s livestock producers, who not only lose animals, but experience significant economic losses as well,” said Kostyshyn. “Producers will be able to make on-farm management changes that should reduce livestock predation and will help offset compensation claims under the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program funded by the federal and provincial governments.” Producers who were paid for a livestock predation claim under the Manitoba Wildlife Damage Compensation Program from 2021 to present are qualified to apply for up to 75 per cent reimbursement on the two streams of funding. BF MAN. HELPS LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS Frank Fichtmüller - photo Funding will allow for purchase of predation prevention equipment and livestock guardian dogs.