37 Our Advertisers Appreciate Your Business Better Farming | February 2024 drought will produce smaller seeds and the vigour and germination might be decreased. TKW is simply the weight of a thousand kernels of a random sample and is useful in determining a proper seeding rate. Studies have shown that storing the grain for over six months can result in vigour and germination decrease. Formula for determining seeding rate: Seeding Rate (kg/ha) = (Targeted plant population/m2 x TKW in grams) ÷ Expected Seedling Survival Multiply by 0.89 to convert to lbs/acre. The TKW determines the seeding rate; for wheat, the average TKW is around 31-38g, the targeted plant population is 250 per square metre, and the typical survival rate is 90 per cent. Cool wet conditions during harvest can also have negative effects on seed quality. These weather conditions can sometimes cause wheat seed to germinate in the head. This will downgrade the value of the wheat but can also make it difficult to carry over wheat seed to the subsequent season. Seed-borne diseases are another issue that can arise. Fusarium spp., Fusarium graminearum and Cochliobolus sativus (root and foot rot) are some examples of diseases that can be tested for. If a test comes back as zero per cent, it does not mean that the seed lot is completely disease free. A low frequency of seed-borne pathogens may be undetected after a seed test. Planting these infected seeds without a systemic seed treatment can cause a widespread distribution of the pathogen which can increase the infection frequency in the crop. Under ideal conditions, root rots can survive in the soil and using a seed treatment is a good agronomic practice that can help decrease the seedling mortality rate. New seed If a producer has good quality seed, that is disease free with good germination and vigour, why would they need to go out and buy new wheat seed? A producer who saves midge tolerant wheat seed varieties should only do so for one generation. These varieties have only one known gene for midge tolerance and if the producer keeps the seed for more than one generation, we risk breaking this resistance. All midge tolerant varieties will be a varietal blend and can be found in the Saskatchewan seed guide. Other varieties, without resistance to midge, can potentially be used for more than one generation. However, the disease resistance of each variety may eventually break down, and potential yield loss could occur. It is important to understand that you must purchase new seed from a registered seed grower as it is illegal to sell farm-saved seed to any other producer if they plan to plant it. BF Ag Insights Developed for the producer who wants the Bale King Durability, but prefers the chain style feeding system. NEW 7400 Bale King Processor 5300 Bale Processor “Total Rotation” is an upgrade with a 40 bushel bolt on tank and a side mounted 6”: auger. Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc. Box 4, Hwy 22 Gerald, SK S0A 1B0 306-745-2711 · bmi@sasktel.net · www.bridgeviewmanufacturing.com Ad-On features compatible to all Bale King Processors BACK-UP CAMERA KIT Take the guess out of loading. FINE CHOP KIT with adjustable Knives THREE BALE KIT carry 50% more product ·Effortless feeding with Triple chain conveyor with deep, full width slats · Patented X-Rotor with easy access door for simple twine removal · Robust gearbox drive Clean seed samples can be sent away to test for germination, vigour, diseases, and thousand kernel weight. Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture photo