Why are you removing our negotiating power?

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In an attempt to defend their cushy positions, Graham Lloyd of the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) and Harry Pelissero of the Egg Farmers of Ontario (EFO) once again "sing for their supper", this time by seeing no connection between the proposal to eliminate price negotiating powers in vegetables and support for supply management.

However, even though it is abundantly clear there is a direct and irrefutable connection, Pelissero and Lloyd would never and could never, at the risk of losing their jobs, admit it publicly.

More to the point, one of the oldest truisms of public relations is that when someone who, like Lloyd, claims they're "not worried", it means they're scared as hell about, as noted by Professor Charlebois, moving into the the 21st century and being forced to compete with other farmers on a level playing field.

Why, in the minds of supply management supporters, is it OK for supply management to "crush" other farmers when it comes to buying land, but not OK for anyone to do anything to "crush" that imbalance?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Divide and conquer strategy's by processors is the exact reason why marketing boards were introduced!
"The right price for their business" will always be the highest price obtainable, without the boards you will be at the mercy of a take it or leave it offer.

Marketing boards are just like performance-enhancing steroids because they give a real, but mostly-imagined boost to the fortunes of their proponents/beneficiaries in the short-term, but always cause incurable cancer in the long-term.

The above poster, and many others in the farm community, are those farmers who, alas, and as noted by Professor Charlebois, are stuck somewhere in the 1960s along with the NFU, while progressive farmers have moved on and away from the "mediocrity-for-all" policies incumbent in marketing boards.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Just like unions.

What's your point? You just discriminate against farmers and their right to representation?

Just like he likes OFA for doing what ? Pitting farmer against farmer !
80 years and still going backwards .

Without the boards it's more like playing one farmer against the other than competing and that is what will happen with the vegetable growers.

It's take this price or your crop rots!.. That's hardly competing ?

This is not the same as losing the Wheat single desk selling, Wheat can be marketed to a number of businesses or niegbours.You can hedge on at least three different markets in North America before you plant or you can store for a number of years if you think prices will turn. Vegetables for processing have basically one processor controlling the market from the Maritimes to the Rocky Mountains. When vegetables are ready for harvest you have maybe days sometimes only hours to have them processed.Without having the processor agree to price and terms before planting who do you think really controls the outcome in this industry

It is not normal policy for a creditor or lender to delete negative information from a consumer s credit report just because the debt is paid after it has been late or has gone to collections.

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