Slaughter rules need updates says OLA president

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I agree there really needs to be some thing done with slaughter rules . I don't know how many times this past year that I have been told that a farmer has had an animal go down only to send it to the compost pile . Perfectly good meat going to waste all while we have people and children going hungry , food banks claiming that numbers of people in need continuing to climb .

I have lived for years on meat that my parents had slaughtered at home . Why should it be any different to bring a cattle beast to the butcher that was killed on the farm than a deer that was run down for lord knows how long , chased in to a firing range , killed , gutted out in the bush or who knows where and then delivered to a slaughter house for processing . Why do we have double standards ?

When did it become necessary for a gov't to control all aspects of our lives including what we choose to eat or drink and like the Liv Tahor kids that you cannot in Canada teach or school your own flesh and blood in what you believe in . How stupid or incompetent does the gov't think people are when they refuse too allow them there own choices on processing a food animal for there own use. It is no longer the go'v of the people but people controlled and ruled by there gov't rules

You have to have Laws , have you ever heard of BSE(mad cow) people eating a cow that cannot get up because of a broken leg or the splits is one thing but not getting up because it is sick is another. People teaching their kids to what they believe in is another thing what if they believe in incest or Girls getting married at an age below 16 to a guy in his 60,S or they shall hate people for the colour of their skin. We need laws to protect the innocent and young from people who believe that they can do whatever they want to them or sell unfit crap to them to eat ( some believe if it does not kill you its fit to eat or sell) but you would not see them eating any of it.

There is nothing wrong with on farm slaughter for your own use - government does not control or prevent that. BIG difference when you are slaughtering for sale - even if your buyer is standing there.

I agree 100% that you can kill on the farm for your own use and not for sale to the public. Some people not all would kill a down sick animal and sell it in a minute to someone for a fast buck.

An interesting comment about "the deer hunt" , that is looked at as acceptable along with spearing fish or having a hook rip into its mouth or circumcising infants but its inhumane to dock pig tails or castrate new born pigs without pain killer .

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