Regulatory heat turns tropical at Huron County fruit farm

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Good to know we are safe from banana growing. There's no telling what global warming could mean. Maybe oranges, lemons or grapefruit?

Mr. Bread the area in question as you know was hit by a down burst and it was documented by yourself and the County. How can you charge the owner of the property for what mother nature has done. Does this mean that you have more power than the County who gave permission to clear the land. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

Sounds like harassment to me. Tell them to do something then tell them they shouldn't have done it. Typical bureaucratic snafu and then no one wants to admit the mistake.

Interesting how this article doesn't mention that the farm is currently listed for sale.

This is not about if the land is for sale. This is a bunch of public servants pushing their weight around. Tell me if you were being bullied by the people that are there to help would you want to stay. Sounds to me that you are with the the bullies trying to take away the real story. Corruption bulling and burying people in red tape. Remember the lawyer wrote an apolo8gy letter to a judge stating he was wrong for bring this case to court.

Do you guys have a green bananas to sell? Thanks

First public servants completely disregard that we the tax payers are their employers. Secondly, they try to bite the very hand that feeds, houses, provides a secure job with luxurious benefits and pensions that we their employer can only dream of.
We, the private sector, create jobs that generate taxes, we invest our finances into our businesses, and those finances are garnered from mortgaging our homes, cashing in our savings and borrowing from banks, and we have the unquenchable drive to be independent productive members of our society, we, small business are the heart of the very engine that maintains Ontario's viability and creates all those stifling dead end public service jobs, which must be justified by the very ridiculousness that has resulted in this fiasco.

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