Ontario Human Rights Commission tackles complaint with statement

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I am not farmer. I am a very small contactor with a few employees and am in a business that involves heavy lifting, long hours, operating machines that can be dangerous if you must be educated and equipped with safety measures. We do all of that. We are also seasonal.

We all talk and we admit that we are deathly afraid of the OHRC. So afraid, that is is often more prudent to discriminate based on sex, culture and religion . It is far easier to not hire someone that could potentially force you into bancruptcy or demand a an under the table blackmail 'pay off'--- than have them bring the full force of the OHRC down on your head and your business.
Guilt or innocence does not matter. You are Guilty until you have the ability and CASH to prove yourself innocent. Meanwhile, if you are strong enough to handle the mental part ,your business can handle your lack of attention due to Court time and you have the money to afford the best of lawyers----
You LOSE----big time.
Why doesn't the OHRC take a nightmare scenario of employee demands re: time off for religious reasons, not wearing safety gear for cultural reasons and not being able to do the job because you are not strong enough.
Instead of taking us to court---Lay out your rules in a clear , concise and easy to understand format. We want to obey the Law.
Why don't you tell us what the Law demands of us ?

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