Ontario eyes cost of Russian ban on food Canada produces

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The Russians and the former socialist soviet republic could never feed themselves. Innovative thinking was discouraged, and some of that mentality lives on. According to history I have read, farms had five year 'collective' plans, yet production was always lagging. There was never any incentive to better your farms production, because it all belonged to the state. Rumor has it, that a farmers garden, was better managed than the rest of their farm. In Canada, especially in pork, beef and cashcrop, there more work a farmer puts in, the more they can take out.

Raube Beuerman

As an anonymous poster has pointed out, my use of "rumor has it", is not such a good choice. After I posted that, I came to realize that a much better choice of words would have been 'the fact of the matter was'.

While I appreciate the acknowlegement, it would have been substantially more meaningful for him/her to sign their posting.

Anonymous poster poltroon!!!

Raube Beuerman

If you dont like "rumour has it" and insist on "the fact of the matter" then just once present the facts to back up your statements other wise it really is "coffee shop rumour"


I have no clue as to why I am getting challenged on this.

Think about this scenario for just a second. You farm in the former socialist Soviet republic. The state owns almost everything. They confiscate your wealth. Even if you work harder, in no way are you rewarded.

Now who's garden are you going to look after better? Your own or the state?

Raube Beuerman

The fact remains that they will take what ever they want from their garden that you look after and yours . Maybe you should have educated your self on that one !

Got news for you too Buerman. Our government can do exactly the same thing. They can take everything from us too. They have dishonored our COP agreements under FIPA, so in effect farmers are being robbed now. Species at risk, Greenbelt, Water Protection Act, the list goes on. The government is canceling farmers equity without compensation. So what does Russia do different?

When it comes to Canadian farmers equity, our government has been awfully generous, arguably the most generous on the planet. Besides, anything a government does to increase ones equity, can just as easily be taken away.

"So what does Russia do different?"-Can you give examples of Russian agricultural government policies that have greatly affected farmers equity? Aside from banning food imports.

Raube Beuerman

I dont understand how you come to your conclusions. Russian example? Russia was the worlds biggest bread basket until it ran into a severe debt problem at the turn of the last century. The country couldnt service its debts. The ruble became worthless. The leadership was incompetent and the fallout was inevitable. The rest became history.

Don't sweat it . It is just how the know it all , know everything better types like to talk down to people when they are backed into a corner or when they know they made a mistake . They try the emotional excuse then revert to the name calling .

Who needs a history lesson? I think you should pay attention to your own bank account. The feds are fine tuning banking bail-ins. That dollar you have in your wallet does not actual belong to you. Those dollar notes are debt instruments that we borrow from the BoC. If you check out the BoC financial sheets you will see that those dollar notes are listed as a debit to the BoC. That means they can take those notes back any time they want.

To my knowledge, bank depositors and taxpayer funded money are being removed from the proposed bank bail-in legislation.

Raube Beuerman

why is it if the canadian public agree with the govt sanctions,then why is it only pork producers who are being affected. all canadians should be on the hook to suffer the consequences of the govt actions

Every one in the free world are being affected by this a pork producer in the usa will be notice it as much as he's next door neighbor who produces milk or chicken

You must be a pork producer . Thinking of you and only you and your fellow hog producers . If you really believe that it will only affect pork then you are in need of a Mr. Thompson lesson .

I think Canada is the one that didn't fully understand the impact of tagging along with some other Countries in their Sanctions against Russia.Already some in the EU are having 2nd thoughts.

Seriously,does a travel ban on some Russian and Ukrainian groups and some sanctions against banks and financial institutions add up to $321,913,234 lost in export value that Canada had with Russia in 2013 ?? We really didn't know the Russians if we thought they would just sit back without any retaliating

When someone has to resort to 'rumour has it', you know immediately that the argument is baseless. There were many embargoes in the 1980's but movement of goods continued. Some products took the long route stopping in non-embargoed countries but the goods did reach their destinations. I dont think this case will be any different.

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