Officials say more cases of PED in Ontario likely

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This is not the 1970's anymore. Todays producers dont wear their barn boots to meetings anymore. They probably even shower before they leave their property. What an irresposible comment from Ontario Pork.

For some reason biosecurity doesn't seem to help with this one. There's already been a vet who showered in and out of a farm with PED using all the protocols then went to another one 6 hours later and showered and disinfected in again, swabbed his nostrils and mouth in the shower and was still carrying viable virus from the first barn,

You,d have us believe the virus isn,t going to spread because"there aren't,t any movements coming off this farm". I bet there are people coming and going every day. Makes about as much sense as a highly biosecure naturally or power vented facility. Give me a break. I hope they used there $1000 dollar cheque from ontario pork for a nice steak dinner. That's right SM, every hog farm got a thousand dollar cheque for a biosecurity self assessment.

A few regulars on this site have worked to pit farmer against farmer. The comment above is now common practice. Attacking a group of hard working, law abiding, producers that has suffered setbacks and is now bracing for disaster is just wrong! It's just as wrong as cheering when supply managed farmers suffer losses in trade negotiations.

You of course are right,there is nothing more stressful than having animals dying on the farm,especially young ones and knowing you can't really do anything about it.Farmers have to support one another.
l am sure that the US took precautionary measures and it still spread like wildfire between states.The Canadian Pork Industry is so integrated with the US its hard to imagine PED won't have some impact up here.Hard to imagine there will not be some compensation forthcoming if the losses get as bad as the states.

You maybe want to check your recent history . The last time that was tried we ended up with a gutted RMP program..

Anonymous comment modified by editor in accordance with our guidelines.

Seems there are certain commodities especially livestock, who when asked to share their RMP calculation #'s either can't find them or won't be transparent with them. Can someone please why all commodities aren't required to be transparent with their #'s?

Is ontario pork a government agency?

It's not what you know anymore, it's what you don't know.......

Second outbreak confirmed on a farm in Ontario .

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