‘Conflict of interest’ motion slows sheep nabbing case

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Goodness this is one sheep story that doesn't induce sleep.

A cutthroat defense whatever that is it sounds exciting and a bench warrant, well actually 2 issued for a journalist. Throw in the raw milk guy and a media wise sheep owner.

When CFIA orders a herd or flock destroyed, it is to protect all the other herds and flocks of all the farmers in the country as well, in some cases the people of Canada as in Avian Flue.
Can you imagine if the Chicken Farmers of BC had moved their flocks around durning the Avian Flue outbreak a few years ago.
I hope the Judge throws the book at these fools!

Can you think for yourself regarding what government tells you is and isn't true? The main point missing from your commentary and from this story is that CFIA ordered a flock of rare heritage sheep killed that all live tested negative for scrapie. This story implies that an order to destroy was because of a sheep found with scrapie in the flock. Not so. That sheep was in Alberta, although born many years prior on the Ontario farm. CFIA admits it could have developed the disease after it left it's birth farm. When CFIA eventually did find the sheep that had already tested negative, they killed them anyway, and all were still found to be NEGATIVE. So who are the fools?

I think the whole point is if the CCF is going to represent both Schmidt and Jones it will take 2 lawyers not 1 and double the money.The Foundation has spent a sizeable amount of money on Schmidt already.

Anonymous post removed by editor.

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